Are you ready ..🥺

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Me and jey make it to the restaurant and go to our table , ordering our food. The cameras for total divas had came and filmed us .
"And for you ma'am?" The waitress ask me .
"Umm, the chicken Alfredo with a cesaer salad " I say .
"And what drink ?" He ask me again .
"She'll have a regular lemonade " jey answers for me . I smile at him . The fact that he pays attention to the little things , makes me fall for him even more .
The waitress takes our menus and leaves .
"So . You ready for WrestleMania baby?" He ask me and hold my hand across the table .
"I think I am . But are you ready ?" I ask him and the waiter gives us our drinks and leaves again .
"Honestly? .. I'm nervous. Me and jimmy been through a lot so this is kind of our chance to prove ourselves." He says and takes a deep breath .
"Hey , you and jimmy will do great . Just focus on the bigger things , not the smaller things." I say and he reaches across the table and gives me a kiss .
I feel like this is the perfect time to say it
" I love you " I say .
His head shoots up "wha- what did you just say ..?" He ask me speechless .
I chuckle and smile " I said , I love you " .
He looks surprised and stands up "come here baby " . I stand up and he hugs me and kisses my head " I love you too baby" he says and kisses my head again .
I dab my eyes as they get watery and we sit down . "Hey . Don't cry " he says and reaches towards me and wipes my eye and caresses my cheek . I smile at him and rub his hand as he takes it away and our food arrives.

We start eating , enjoying our food. We have a couple conversation's and argue about who's paying the bill but he already does . We walk to the car hand in hand and he opens the door for me and I get in and so does he .
We listen to music and talk to each other . We make it to my house and I change into some velvet shorts and a black tank top and we just chill for a while in my room .
As I'm on top of him , I start kissing his lips and down to his neck . I must've found his sweet spot cause he tried to hide his moan and plus I felt him getting hard under me .
"B-baby whatchu doin " he ask me and I come up from his neck " I want you " I whisper but he still hears me . "Say it again.." he whispers .
I kiss him " te quiero papi " I say and he flips us over and takes off his shirt.
I'm guessing y'all already know what went down😏😅 .

2 hours later ..
  Me and jey step in the shower after we got done . This man went for three rounds and still wasn't tired . I wasn't complaining tho cause he know what he be doing 🌚 . We wash each other up and I wash my hair , letting it go back curly.
We step out and wrap ourselves in towels . He puts on some shorts and underwear that he left here before and then he helps me lotion my self up and I put on deodorant and get dressed in a sports bra and grey boy shorts and we go to the bed and jey changes the sheets and puts them into the washer and I grab a new set and he helps me put them on .
We fall in the bed , getting under the covers and making ourselves comfortable. I lay my head on his bare chest and wrap my legs around him and we watch tv .
" I love you mamas." He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Go to sleep, I know your tired " he speaks again and I yawn .
I adjust myself a little more and kiss his smooth muscular chest . " I love you more papa" . As I say that , he massages my head and I fall fast asleep and a couple minutes later , so does he .

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