Dear Damon,

I'm very sorry to inform you that I can't marry you. I love you and you're my life. But I can't marry you. Uncle Aunty and Emilia treated me and brought me up so well. So I'm doing this for them and I'm very happy to scarify my love for them.

Emilia loves you so much. She wants to be your wife and your life partner. Yesterday, she tried to attempt suicide. I can't take this. I can't let my sister die. As her sister, I should do something and I'm doing this. Goodbye Damon. Please take care of my sister and Yourself. Just remember that I love you and you will always be my true and last love.

Your Ex-Bride,

The letter fell from my hand.

'She left me. She left our marriage. She left everything for her bit** cousin. She will pay for this. I will tear her masked innocent face'

I called Mr. Mason Collins.

"Bring your daughter. I will marry her", I ordered him, through mobile.

'I will make you pay for what you've done, Emilia Collins. Welcome to my hell'


Amelia's Pov.

'Ahhh!! Why is my head aching so much. What was in the drink, Emilia gave me?'

I sat up on the bed. Everything was so blurred.

'Why am I feeling so heavy?'

I looked down and got a 1000 volt shock.

'Why am I in wedding dress?'

I somehow stood up and went to the mirror and got more shocks.

'I look like a bride. Why am I look like that? What's going on here?'

"I hope you have gotten a good sleep, my dear niece, sorry my dear daughter. I'm so happy that you're going to marry today. I wish your father bless you from heaven", uncle started his acting.

'Marry? No way... But with whom?'

"Come on, Emilia. Damon is waiting for his bride", he informed me smirking. Aunt was laughing at my face. "Wait a minute.. Emilia was going to marry him. Why me? What's going on? What do you want from me?", I shouted. Aunt laughed and said,"Yes. You're totally right. Emilia is going to marry and you're Emilia Collins, my dear beautiful daughter". I back off.

'What's going on?'

"No! I'm not going to marry him, never in this life. He hates me. Leave me alone", I took 5 steps back. Uncle grabbed my hand tightly, "Yes you're. You will be his bride. You will kiss him. You will marry him. If not, then you will say goodbye to your orphan house. I'm sure my daughter don't want to make those orphaned children live in the streets. Am I right, Emilia?", saying he laughed at my face.

'No! You can't do this. They are innocent. I can't do this. Avery, Hailey, Mike, Rose, Kevin and Mia will be in the streets. Noah.. he will never believe anyone... But I can't marry him. He will kill me. I can't'

"Look Emilia, I don't have the whole day. Marry him and I will leave your orphan and the children. Simple give and take condition", he talked like a business. "If my father alive, he will never let me do this. You're evil! Monster!", I shouted but in return I was slapped.

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