Part 15

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Alya was a smart girl - smarter than she'd like to give herself credit.

Not only was she able to make some pretty close-hitting theories about Ladybug (to Marinette's dread), but she was also able to argue her way out of any confrontation.

Another of her brilliant skills was pulling Marinette out of the hole she dug.

"Marinette!" She shouted into the phone the minute it was picked up, "I don't know how many times I have to tell you - you messed up! Big time! You're not even gonna try and fix it?!"

Marinette grimaced and grinded her teeth together. It was lucky that this wasn't a video call, or she'd be forced to look at her own pitiful face. "Al.. I did what I had to do. I don't- I don't really know how much I can tell you but-"

"No 'buts'! Either you tell me everything willingly or I'll bug you until you give in. This is Adrien we're talking about? Y'know, Adrien Agreste? Love-of-your-life-Adrien?"

"I know! I know. I messed up, I get it."

"So? Fix it! Run over to that boy's house and make out with him!"

"Alya!" Marinette gasped, flustered. "One, there's no way I'm getting anywhere near his house without being turned around, and two - don't say stuff like that!"

"Why not? We're all thinking it. I'm pretty sure even Chloé is tired of you too running around eachother at this point."

"..I can't-" Alya interrupted with a groan- "it's too complicated. A lot of... things happened on the trip and- yeah. Maybe I'll try and fix things but right now I-"

"Girl, if you don't talk to him right now I'll- Ella! Etta! Don't play around the china, you'll--" and then a distant crash was heard in the background. "Christ- okay Mari, I'll talk to you later, uh.. talk to him! Or I'll seriously--"

Marinette hung up before Alya finished her sentence.

"Am I in the wrong here, Tikki?"

Tikki, who was sitting on a picture frame of Adrien that was now facing the wall, flew over and sat in front of Marinette on a cushion.

"I know it was a hard choice, but Adrien knowing that you're Ladybug could have put him in danger. You did the right thing, Marinette."

"Danger?" Marinette's interest perked up. "What do you mean he could be in danger?"

Tikki frowned. "Mari, there's something I found out a while ago that you're ready to know. Adrien's fath-"

"Marinette dearest?" her mother called as she opened the trapdoor. "One of your friends are here to talk to you."


"No.. not Alya." Her mother giggled. "A lovely boy with blonde hair."

"Adrien?! No, no no no. Tell him I'm not here. Or ill. Tell him I'm ill!"

"Come on now, Marinette. It's bad to avoid your friends. I'll tell him you'll be down in a few minutes."

And with that, her mother went back down the ladder and shut the trapdoor.


New chapter coming shortly!

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