Chapter 3 ~ The Truth

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Truth be told, Adrien actually started developing feelings towards Marinette, after he realised that there was no chance with Ladybug. He trusted her enough to show his truth self.

"Hey, Mari?"

Marinette had been asleep for the last hour.


Adrien started to poke her cheek. Some of her blue bangs fell in front of her face. Without thinking, his hand went to put them behind her ear.

"A-Adrien..." It turns out, Marinette talked in her sleep.

How awkward.

Adrien blushed when he heard his name.

"Hey, Mari? There's drool on your cheek.."

With that she woke up.

"Hey, were you the one poking me?" She asked sternly.

"Were you the one saying my name in your sleep?" He cockily answered.

"W-what?! I was not!" Marinette's cheeks went a darker red than her Ladybug suit.

"Yeah you were. I videoed you." He smirked.

She went a darker red and grew more frustrated.

"Aww..You're cute when you're angry," He said, poking her cheek.

Oh god, did he actually call me cute?! Keep it together, Mari.

"Wait, you videoed me?!" She screeched.

"Yep. And you were snoring." He replied.

"I do not snore!"

"Whatever you say, Mari."



When they landed, everyone was rushing off, desperate to get out.

Marinette had fell back asleep.

"Mari, oh my gosh wake up."


"Mari, we've landed."

No response.

Adrien had no choice. He picked Marinette up bridal style along with their bags.

"A-Adrien?! What are you doing?! Put me down!" Marinette screamed.

"You wasn't waking up, so I had to go to drastic measures," He smirked.

"I hate you..."

"Love you too," He chuckled.

She went bright red. She knew that he was only joking, but still. Adrien put his arm around her waist and made Marinette's arm go round his shoulder.

"You know, we look like a couple doing this.."


"Welcome to Italy."


The hotel was amazing. It was right next to the beach and the malls were only a five-minute walk.

"Okay, everyone find the people you're going to share a room with and get your key!" Miss Bustier said.

Rose and Juleka got their keys then went to their rooms, then Adrien and Nino, then Alya and Sabrina.

"Would you mind if you told everyone to meet here at 5pm? Tell them to bring the beach equipment." The teacher asked.

"Yess, miss," Marinette replied.

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