"I don't know. But they're planning something, and you, especially, know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night. And until I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything I know. As fast as I can teach you." Derek informed them, walking away as Blair's phone began to ring.

Blair jogged up the stairs away from the nosy Betas as she answered the phone call from the unknown caller.

"Blair?" Scott asked through the phone as he woke up, remembering he forgot to call the girl last night to reassure her he was okay after Stiles got attacked in the mechanics' office.

"The one and only. Took you long enough to call me." Blair jokingly scolded through the phone even though she was dead serious, Blair couldn't even convince herself to go to sleep last night as her mind was wracked with worry about the McCall boy.

"Sorry, I got home late last night. The Argents were at my boss's work and the thing that killed Isaac's father, killed someone last night and hurt Stiles. Wait, you're not going to tell Derek I told you all this right?" Scott realized after he finished rambling down the phone which Blair actually found hilarious that Scott couldn't help himself from revealing a bunch of information to someone he considered an enemy.

"Do you want me to tell Derek?" Blair jokingly asked as she began to get ready, well for bed. Blair knew she was probably going to skip school for the day due to her lack of sleep - something Derek probably wouldn't object to. He knew Blair was responsible enough to do her homework and pull up her own grades.

"Really would appreciate it if you didn't," Scott muttered as Blair couldn't help the laugh she let out as his nervousness in talking to her.

"Okay, then I won't tell him. Goodnight, Scott." Blair ended the call after that, decided it was time for her to head the bed as her tiredness finally caught up to her. She checked her phone when it beeped to see a text from Scott telling her it was only 8 am. Blair chuckled before throwing her phone to the side and heading to bed.

Blair felt a pillow smack her over the head and woke up to the one and only Isaac Lahey standing over her grinning. Blair groaned as she grabbed a pair of scissors and threw it at his arm before getting out of the bed.

"Ow! What was that for?" Isaac asked as he pulled the scissors out of his arm even though he would heal in a matter of seconds.

"You woke me up!" Blair defended herself as Derek walked into the room to see Blair and Isaac arguing, as usual, Blair and Isaac were definitely the closest out of his "pack" but they constantly argued like four-year-olds fighting for a toy.

"Blair, get ready. We're going to the lacrosse game. Isaac, come on, I have things for you to do." Derek ordered the two as Blair stuck her tongue out to Isaac as he left, making him respond with the middle finger.

Blair was dropped off along with Boyd to visit the field as Derek and Erica promised they would be nearby - a thought Blair didn't really want to think about, not knowing what they could be getting up to after this morning.

Boyd, went to get the last seat on the top of the bleachers as Blair went to go sit on the other set of bleachers when her name was called.

"Blair Krasikeva! Just the student I was looking, come and join us." Blair turned to see a man with white hair and the one and only Allison Argent sitting beside him, meaning only one thing - Blair was in big trouble.

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