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This one-shot is from my Tumblr but... yeah gonna post it here as well.

Happy reading!

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 

"Your sword skills are improving, (Name)!" Kyojuro cheered as he sheathed his sword on his waist.

"Well, you're better than me though," you chuckled. The Flame pillar merely gives you a pat on the head and indifferently tousled your hair.

"At least you're getting better."

That was Kyojuro's last remark and bestows you his radiating smile before turning his heels to leave the dojo. You know that he's going to wash his hair and cool off his mind with the help of the water from the faucet. You give him a slight nod, taking an understanding with his words and afterwards you sheathe your sword to its cover.

Plopping on the wooden platforms of Kyojuro's dojo, you emitted a substantial breath then uplift your chin to look at the canopy.

Ever since the day when Kyojuro, the Flame pillar saw you training in the middle of the woods, that's the time where he started to train with you because of how he was moved to the blazing enthusiasm within your eyes that were also smeared with a scintilla of dauntlessness, similar to a phoenix howling through the vault of heaven while flapping it's majestical smoldering wings.

Although you're not his tsuguko and you're simply a mediocre demon hunter that he just coincidentally stumbled in the midst of the woodlands, he still aspired to approach you and tried to educate you with the fundamentals of swordsmanship, he also furnished you with instructions for your breathing pattern so that you could conquer a demon without reaching the frontier of your vitality. You didn't even question if he can teach you but preferably, he's the one who requested you if he could train you and help you to enhance your abilities.

Of course, you were delighted hearing this from a pillar. Although you didn't know each other and you knew to yourself that you're not an ostentatious demon hunter that can grab the attention of any pillar, but guess what? God gave you a blessing by giving you a mentor and to be exact the Flame pillar himself!

It's no joke that Kyojuro's training was sure as hell exhausting and difficult. The way he would spar with you without any forethought and gave you a diabolical practice to the point that you're going to succumb and regurgitate soon. Although you're becoming fatigued, Kyojuro was doing a magnificent job in motivating you with his salubrious speeches and how he would beam you his heart-melting smile saying that it's okay and you're halfway there, just keep moving.

You were indeed very grateful to the Flame pillar for training you to become a lucrative demon hunter. Thanks to his dreadful training, your skills were somewhat developing and every time you go to your missions, you won't have any complications from guillotining the demons and would immediately fulfil your job without a sweat.

Even though your sword skills are progressing, Kyojuro still trained with you when he has the time and he's done with his responsibilities. That's why you really owe him a lot and it was thanks to him that you're doing your missions splendidly.

It's been three months since you commenced training with Kyojuro and how you would oftentimes go to a mission together with him. You suspected that Oyakata-sama had already discovered that you're regularly training with him and he decided to partner you up both.

In those months that you're with Kyojuro, that's when you come to realize that the gravity had lured you towards him and hardly fell to the Flame pillar. You realised that you completely had fallen in love with the golden-eyed boy when the time where you're both training in his dojo as usual and both of you went to have a break because of straight three hours of nonstop practice. Then upon eating a rice ball that his little brother had prepared for the both of you, Kyojuro caught you off guard by wiping the side of your lips with his thumb due to the rice that's sticking on it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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