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I know I'm late but I just wanna say belated happy birthday to our hot Sound Pillar, Uzui! 🎉🎉🎈🎈 Also, this is a birthday special chapter so I hope you all will like it! Sorry for the late update guys!

Happy reading! 

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"I'm done being your wife, Tengen."

These words, these words rendered him astonished and speechless, as if his ears were becoming deaf once as they slipped out from your mouth. Uzui couldn't comprehend your statement with his mouth agape as he stared at you with blatant surprise and confusion contorted on his face. He couldn't fathom if you were only goofing around and trying to tease him again since he had known you as his lover who likes to tease him and provoke him with your antics.

However, analysing the expression you were illustrating this instant, he doesn't know what to believe, your face doesn't have any evidence of mischief ー instead laced with sincerity and resolution. His mind had malfunctioned trying to convince himself that this is all but a dream, a nightmare that he doesn't want to occur in reality between him and his lovely wives.

Uzui wanted to speak, he wants to say something, but no words were coming out from his mouth, as though as the words that he wanted to communicate were stuck inside his throat and barred him from saying anything. Even just an utter of your name, he couldn't say it, he was incredibly astounded that he couldn't assemble any words to express.

The only thing that was running inside his mind is why?

Why are you saying this to him? Did he do anything that maddens you? But he couldn't even remember anything even if he's trying to delve deeper in his brain if he did something horrible to you. It was none, literally none. But why? Why is this happening between you and him? He's not even maltreating you and he's treating you all equally and love you with all of his heart. He's doing his best to keep you and cherish you all so why are you saying that you're done being his wife?

This is ridiculous.

"I'm sorry, Tengen... but I've had enough with this kind of relationship... I'm sorry..." your voice was barely audible but it's crystal clear for him.

Your eyes were fixated on the ground and didn't even take a glimpse at him. Avoiding his piercing gaze and licking your lips, biting it afterwards. Uzui only stared at you, scrutinising every movement that you make to know if you're really lying or not.

"Why, (Name)? Why'd you suddenly say that?"

Now, the words that he wanted to say had finally reached you, despite that he couldn't grasp anything and trying to contemplate everything, he tried to speak the words that were flooding his mind. He wants to know the reason as to why you don't want to be his wife anymore, he wants answers, a substantial reason for his question before he accepts this distasteful reality. But even so, Uzui won't be discouraged by it, and he won't give up to you even if you don't want him anymore. He will do everything, his best to get you back and reunite with him and be his wife again.

"I'm just done with this, Tengen. I'm tired." Was the only thing that you say to which Uzui wasn't convinced at your answer.

It's bullshit.

"(Name), your reason is not valid to me. I didn't even do anything awful to you! If I was, then tell me what's wrong and not just tell me that you're done with this relationship out of the blue! This is flamboyantly absurd!"

Uzui's voice became loud and you could tell that he's frustrated and hurt from your answer. You couldn't speak and just let yourself stare at the gorgeous man that you loved, and to be honest, this is the very first time you saw him got furious and raise his voice at you. Never in your entire years with the Sound Pillar did he ever raise his tone at all of you and got infuriated ー actually he's the sweetest husband that every woman could ask for, despite that he has four wives, he treated you all fairly and no one would be left behind. He's also protective and would fight someone if someone maltreated his wives, he won't overlook that in an instant. He respected the four of you and love you impartially.

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