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The ritual was a success and once the final drop of Elena's blood had been drained, Klaus could feel his full power being restored. During his vulnerable part of the transition, Damon snuck up and killed Greta as Bonnie began walking closer, chanting Latin under her breath. "You were dead!" Klaus screams in pain. 

Damon quickly leaves with Elena's body as Stefan requested. The wind picked up with Bonnie's chanting before she stopped, Elijah arriving. Stefan and Bonnie watched the two brothers interact. "Elijah?" Klaus asked softly. 

"Hello, brother," Elijah smirked. He shoved his hand into Klaus' chest. "In the name of our family, Niklaus..." 

"I didn't bury them at sea! Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them." Klaus gasped, his eyes wide as Elijah's hand loosened its grip around his heart. 

Stefan noticed the hesitance on Elijah's face and he stepped in. "Elijah! Don't listen to him!" 

"I can take you to them. I give you my word...brother." 

"Do it or I'll take you both out," Bonnie snapped. 

"You'll die," Elijah's brow furrowed. 

"I don't care." She said firmly. 

"I'm sorry," Elijah said softly. 

Bonnie began whispering Latin but was cut off by a loud threatening growl that escaped the tree line. A large black wolf slowly walked out of the undergrowth, it's dark red eyes focused on Stefan and Bonnie almost like it was daring them to stop Elijah and Klaus. 

Klaus looked relieved at the sight of the wolf but Elijah used this as his chance to escape before the black wolf too off after the Originals, leaving a stunned Stefan and Bonnie behind. 

▪ ▪ ▪

Charlie woke up the next morning in the woods, dirt covering his skin as he rolled over onto his side. He squinted as he stood up and looked around for anything that was recognizable. Something was tossed at his back and he turned to see Elijah standing behind him, his eyes elsewhere. "You have a funeral to go to," 

Charlie's lips parted. "Elijah..." 

"We have much to discuss, Charlie, but you have to be elsewhere." Elijah motioned for him to move and Charlie sped away with a heavy heart. 

The house was empty but he wasn't surprised. He rushed upstairs and quickly cleaned himself, getting dressed in presentable clothes before he packed up his things, his room now baren. There was that heavy feeling in his chest that felt like he was holding the weight of the world. It didn't take him long to pack everything into his car before he got in and drove to the cemetery. 

The others were beginning to clear out once he had made it. In his hand, he held a singular white rose. He avoided their stares, trying to ignore them because he wasn't there for them, he was there for Jenna. 

He pushed past them and carried his singular white rose over to Jenna's grave. He stopped short and knelt down to place the rose on the freshly dug grave. His throat felt like it was closing up, his eyes watering slightly. He may not have remembered her when he came back, but she meant more to him than she will ever know. And this was the last thing he wanted to do before leaving town. 

"You should never have come back," He ignored the voice of his crying sister, his eyes staying focused on the gravestones of his fallen family members. He could see his parents gravestones and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "Everything started falling apart as soon as you came to town, this is all your fault!" 

"My fault?" His voice cracked, not because he was emotional, but because he was angry. He stood up to his full height and narrowed his eyes at his sister. "This has nothing to do with the fact that I came home, Elena. You're a doppelganger and Klaus would have come eventually. This has everything to do with the fact that everyone sacrifices everything for you." 

Elena's eyes filled with tears. "Jenna wouldn't have been used as a sacrifice if you hadn't tried to save Caroline and Tyler!" 

His jaw clenched at the mention of the blonde beauty that he found breathtaking. "So, you would rather your friends die just like Jenna had?" He scoffed out a laugh as he pointed at her. "Jenna's blood is on your hands because all you have to do is shed a few tears and everyone drops everything for you. You shed a few tears and you get exactly what you want."

The others stayed quiet as they argued. They had never seen Charlie so angry. "You know, when you died, I was so happy!" She snapped, shocking him. He felt as if someone had dumped ice water over his head. Jeremy stepped forward and grabbed her arm but she just shook him off angrily. 

"Come on, Elena, you don't mean that..." Jeremy said softly. 

"Yes, I do! Mom and Dad had finally started giving me attention because all they used to do is fawn over you like you were the golden child. But you know what, you're not even a Gilbert. You're just some kid that showed up out of the blue that they felt sorry for!" She screamed at him. 

Charlie's soft brown eyes flashed red. "Good riddance, who would want to be family to someone as selfish and self-absorbed as you!" He shouted. 

Elena lifted up her hands and pounded her fists on his chest. "I hate you!" She screamed. "I hate you, I wish you would just leave!" 

Charlie grabbed her wrists and stopped her from hitting him anymore, not that it hurt, but because he was done. "Well, your wish is my command." He released her hands and looked to Jeremy who looked away from him. "I'm leaving Mystic Falls, you won't have to see me ever again."

He turned and began walking off, his hands deep in his pockets. His head dipped down as he looked at the green grass before a hand clamped down on his shoulder, forcing him to turn around. He rose an eyebrow at Damon. He was the last one he expected to follow after him. "Hey, Charlie, I know we didn't exactly get along most of the time..." He trailed off as he looked back at their friends who started walking away. "But I wanted to say that it was great having you as a friend-- even if it wasn't for that long." 

Charlie swallowed harshly and nodded slightly. "You as well, Damon. You were a pain in my ass-" The both of them shared a laugh for a moment before Charlie stuck out his hand for him to shake. "but you were a good friend. And I'm sorry you had to find out about my hairy problem like that." 

Damon smirked and shook his hand. "It wouldn't be the first thing that's shocked me before." He pats his arm one last time before he turned and began walking away. 

"Damon," Charlie called. 

The blue-eyed vampire turned and rose an eyebrow at the Immortal boy. "If you ever need help, I'm just a call away. Just," He looked to his sister and brother, his heart aching. "Just look after them, will you?" 

Damon smiled slightly. "Of course," He promised before he walked off after the others, leaving Charlie alone amidst the gravestones before he turned and left to head back to his home in Paris. He had a feeling he would be back to Mystic Falls, probably not now but in the future, he would be back. 

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