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The hairs on his arms stood up and his eyes snapped open, narrowing in suspicion. He moved like a shadow, soundless and fast. He slipped out from underneath his covers and used his speed to run downstairs. He stayed in the shadows, his eyes narrowed on the two bodies standing in the kitchen. His senses were dialed down, focused on the two heartbeats before he saw how the moon shined on the red hair. 

His lip quirked up as he leaned against the threshold of the kitchen before leaning over and flicking on the lights. The two humans were startled and whirled around to face him. Jenna rolled her eyes in annoyance at the sight of her oldest nephew, of course, he would be the one to catch her in the act. 

The man standing next to Jenna was slightly uncomfortable. He didn't know who this was but he was intimidated. His dark eyes seemed to stare him down like he was trying to see his true intentions. And he was fit, his ripped abs all the more intimidating. "Charlie, this is Alaric Saltzman, my boyfriend." Jenna sighed as she introduced the two. "Alaric, this is my oldest nephew, Charlie." 

Charlie simply crossed his arms across his chest and rose an eyebrow at the two. Alaric shuffled slightly before he held out a hand for Charlie to shake. "Nice to meet you," He cleared his throat. "Charlie." 

"Yes, I must say, I wish we could have met under better pretenses," He said, his eyes moving to his Aunt who seemed embarrassed. Charlie had always been so old fashioned and he never approved of any of the men Jenna ever brought home. His accent also seemed to shock Alaric as he released the human's hand before he motioned to the whipped cream Jenna held in her hand. "I'll let you get back to...whatever you were doing." 

▪ ▪ ▪

Charlie was getting prepared to knock on the door of the Salvatore home but Elena chuckled slightly and pushed it open. He rose an eyebrow before he entered and closed the door behind himself. "They really need to lock their door." He mumbled to his sister as they walked side by side down the hall. "You never know what kind of person could enter." He sent his sister a playful smile making her roll her eyes. 

When they made it to the foyer, he rose an eyebrow at the members of their little group that sat around, as if they were waiting for them to arrive. He noticed Damon first and rose an unimpressed eyebrow as the vampire smirked, wiggling his fingers teasingly at the Immortal boy. 

"Damon, never a pleasure," Charlie smirked as he walked past Damon without greeting him properly. He made it to the little table that was set up behind one of the couches and his lip quirked up when he recognized the man standing off to the side. "Ah, Alaric, it's a pleasure to see you fully clothes, my friend," He teased, trying to lighten the thick tension in the room. 

Alaric sent him an awkward wave as Charlie turned away, his eyes falling on the witch of the group. "Miss Bennett, nice to see you again, especially under better circumstances. Thanks for the jailbreak, by the way." When he said jailbreak, he looked to Damon who shrugged his shoulders innocently. 

Bonnie swallowed harshly. Charlie could be very intimidating when he wanted to be. His presence was enough to make the hairs on her arms stand on edge, not because he scared her, but because she could feel his power. "No problem, I mean, I was sort of the one that got you into that mess in the first place." 

He hummed under his breath before he moved on, grinning when he turned the one he wanted to see again. "Caroline, beautiful as I remember," Her cheeks blossomed with a deep blush, making him buzz with triumph. He had a way with words that could make anyone fall to their knees in awe. 

"Thanks." She mumbled under her breath, looking down to avoid his mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes.

"Who am I forgetting?" Charlie mumbled before he turned to Stefan. "Ah, the better Salvatore brother, Stefan. Sorry about the-uh-neck." He apologized, motioning to his own throat with a cringe, making Stefan chuckle and wave him off.

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