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When Charlie woke up the next morning, he was pleasantly surprised to see that he hadn't woken up due to a nightmare. He felt more rested than he had in the last five years. He laid in bed for a few more minutes, basking in the peacefulness that seemed to come from being back in his childhood home. That was until the fire alarm went off. 

His heart skyrocketed as he threw off his blanket and bolted down the stairs faster than he ever had with his human speed. He made it in time to see Jenna running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off. He immediately turned off the stove that was on fire, grabbed the pot with the potholders, dropped it in the sink, before he doused it in water. 

He turned to see Elena getting on a chair and turning off the fire alarm, all of them silent as they stared at Jenna who's hair was wild and clothes disheveled. "I was trying to make a nice breakfast for your first morning back." 

A chuckle escaped his lips as he walked over and wrapped his arms around his short aunt, pressing his cheek to her forehead. "Why don't you leave that to me?" He offered as he pulled away. "I've lived in Europe for the last five years, I think I picked up a thing or two. I'll cook while you go get ready." 

Jenna huffed before she turned and walked up the stairs leaving Charlie alone with his siblings. "It's good to have you back, Charlie." Jeremy yawned as he turned, scratching his head as he followed after Jenna. 

Elena sat down at the table and watched as he pulled out cooking materials like it was second nature to him. He seemed to move around the kitchen like fluid, mixing and combining these. He turned his head and rose an eyebrow at the way she stared at him. "I'm not going to disappear, Elena," He laughed. "You can stop staring now." 

"I just...I just missed you." She smiled slightly as she placed her chin on her hand. "Tell me about yourself, tell me everything." Jeremy and Jenna appeared, also sitting down so they could watch Charlie work. 

"Well, when I was found, a very kind gentleman took me in and became a sort of mentor to me. I lost my things in the crash so he didn't have any way to identify me so we just sort of started over. You know, I remembered how to speak French so he took me to Europe where I've lived for the past five years." He handed them plates before he grabbed a trivet down on the table to set down the warm pan of cinnamon rolls that he made from scratch. They looked drool-worthy and the smell was heavenly. 

"I-uh-finished high school and went to college where I got a dual Master's degree in Music and Art. Sadly, they didn't have American Football but I learned Soccer which is definitely different for me. My mentor took me under his wing and just helped me get back on my feet but as you can see I have amnesia from the accident. I can remember some things but it gets increasingly difficult when I think too hard about remembering." 

"This sort of thing takes time, Charlie." Jenna pats his hand gently as if trying to comfort him. 

"And we're willing to wait," Jeremy said before he took a bite out of his cinnamon roll. His eyes seemed to widen before shoved more in his mouth, practically moaning at the taste. He opened his mouth and said something but it was muffled by the amount of pastry he had shoved down his throat. 

The family laughed as they all ate together, trading memories and jokes. This felt right to them. They were all together, having this special moment and they would remember it for the rest of their lives. Because Charlie was finally home

▪ ▪ ▪

"When you said you had something to show me, I didn't think you meant it was the desiccated body of Elijah." Charlie was slightly taken back by the sight of his slightly dead mentor. He had always seemed so invincible. "How exactly were you able to subdue him, he's not exactly the...easiest person to put down?" 

"Our Uncle John gave us the dagger but he actually planned to kill Damon, who was planning to kill Elijah. Only humans can stab him without dying apparently." Elena explained, standing behind Charlie. 

"So, he's been down here this whole time?" Charlie asked, not taking his eyes of Elijah. He felt the need to help the man that had saved his life but he was also curious about why he would want to take Elena of all people. 

Damon scoffed as he pushed himself off of the door frame, raising his arms in disbelief. "Were you not listening when I said your sister was kidnapped for a ransom and this guy-" Damon nudged Elijah in the side with his foot making Charlie tense up, almost like he thought he would wake up. "killed one of the kidnapees and tried to take her away to god knows where?"

Charlie rolled his eyes in annoyance as he stood up, dusting his hands off on his pants. As tall as Damon is, Charlie was slightly taller and Damon almost felt intimidated by the teenager. "I frequently don't listen to the things that come out of your mouth." He sassed. 

Elena bit her lip, trying to contain her laughter as Charlie turned and waltzed out of the cellar leaving a slightly offended Damon behind. 

▪ ▪ ▪

He could feel the eyes that were drilling holes into his back. It set him on edge as he stopped looking at all of the books in the Salvatore library and turned around. "Can I help you...Elena?" He asked, slightly confused. 

He didn't remember her leaving the house with curly hair and that outfit. His eyes narrowed on the new version of his sister as she swayed her hips, sauntering towards him. "No, but maybe I can help you?" Her voice was sultry and he could hear her purr as she dragged a finger down his chest. 

He bristled, his face visibly scrunching up in disgust. "What the bloody hell are you doing, Elena?" 

"Well, what does it look like to you? I'm flirting." She grinned playfully before she began to lean closer to him. This wasn't his sister. He thrust his hand up and sped around, pressing her against one of the couches. Her air got caught in her throat and she was quick to grip his hand, trying to rip it off. 

"That's enough, Charlie, I think you've scared her," Damon called from the doorway, smirking at the sight of Charlie attacking Katherine. Maybe there was some hope for the boy after all? 

Charlie released her and Katherine sucked in as much air as possible as she scrambled onto her elbows, looking up at the male in fear. She forgot what it was like for someone stronger than her to attack her. But when she looked at this 'Charlie' close enough, he seemed human. 

"She has Elena's face," Charlie said plainly, taking the drink Damon offered him. "And she tried to seduce me." 

Damon hummed as he downed his glass. "Charlie, meet Katherine, Elena's doppelganger." He motioned to Katherine before he motioned to Charlie again. "Katherine, meet Charlie, Elena's long lost, Immortal older brother." 

Katherine's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Immortal older brother?" 

"That's exactly what he said. Goodness, they just don't make them the same anymore do they?" Charlie smirked as he downed his drink, tilting his head as if were taunting the girl. 

Damon snickered under his breath at the offended look Katherine wore. "I'm a lot older than you, boy." Katherine snapped. 

"Oh, I know all about you, Katerina Petrova." Charlie grinned as he began to circle Katherine like he was a predator and she was his prey. He stepped forward and whispered in her ear. "I mean, it's not every day you meet the woman that Klaus has been hunting for the last five hundred years." 

She seemed to jump away from him, her eyes narrowing on him. "Who are you?" 

"Oh, let me introduce myself properly." He walked closer to her before he grabbed her hand, lifting it to hid lips as he stared into her eyes. "My name is Charles Mikaelson."

"Mikaelson?" Katherina asked, fear creeping up on her as she ripped her hand away from the boy.

Damon nodded from where he stood at the bar, refilling his drink before downing his bourbon in one go as he smirked at Katherine. "Did I forget to mention that?"

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