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A scream ripped through the peaceful atmosphere of the house as yet another torture method was inflicted on the Mikaelson boy. His entire chest was covered in warm, sticky blood due to Damon's many attempts to kill the teen. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you need a break. A drink, perhaps?" 

A dry and humorless laugh left Charlie's lips as he lifted his head from its hanging position. "You know, I could really go for a burger and fries right now." 

Damon rolled his eyes before he grabbed another item and shoved it into Charlie's chest. He had to bit his lip in order to keep in the screams of pain that seemed to egg Damon on. Damon yanked out of the sword with a sigh and patted Charlie's shoulder. "Well, I can check swords off the list." Damon sighed. 

"It's useless, Salvatore," Charlie croaked, swallowing harshly. "I've already told you, you can try to kill me all you want, I won't stay dead.

Damon ignored him. "You're not a vampire or a witch, you can't be a werewolf because you weren't affected by the wolfsbane." He checked off with his fingers as he kneeled in front of the teen. "Come on, Charlie. All you have to do is tell me what you are." 

"He doesn't have to." Charlie looked up at the girl through hooded eyes. His energy was running low and he could feel his stomach healing up just fine but he really wished he had eaten something because his stomach growled with hunger. He would kill for a milkshake right now.

Damon turned to see Bonnie standing in the doorway, holding her grimoire. "Emily called them the Immortals. Basically, he's a vampire without all of the blood-sucking and he really can't die. The only person that can kill him is the one who created him." 

Damon hummed as he patted Charlie's shoulder again before he slammed a knife into Charlie's thigh. He sucked in his bottom lip, biting down until he drew blood as he tried to contain his pain before Damon yanked the blade out. "I just told you what he was Damon!" Bonnie burst as she slammed her grimoire closed. "Stop torturing him!" 

"Oh, no. I think he's having a little too much fun." Charlie mumbled as he leaned over and spit the blood from his mouth. He leaned his head back against the chair and looked up at Damon expectantly. 

"What the hell is this?" 

Charlie's attention was stolen by a girl standing in the doorway of the cellar, a younger boy standing behind her. Charlie didn't recognize the two of them but they seemed familiar, almost like he had met them before. 

"I found him like this." Damon lied pathetically. He had Charlie's blood all over his hands and he held the dagger that had fresh blood dripping onto the floor. 

Charlie rolled his eyes in annoyance before he shuffled in his seat, catching everyone's attention. "Yes, now that I have your attention," He looked to the witch and gave her soft expression. "I only came looking for someone, I honestly just wanted to find them and leave. Do you mind..." He trailed off as he made a motion with his hands making Bonnie raise an amused eyebrow. "you know, freeing me?" 

"He's dangerous, Bonnie. Are you really willing to let him out because he happened to have babysat you when you were a kid?" 

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed as he looked in between Bonnie and Damon. He didn't know if heard him right. Bonnie glanced at Charlie who looked completely lost and she sighed. "Just go, Damon." 

Damon eyed Bonnie for a moment, almost like he couldn't believe she would take Charlie's side over his before he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Charlie could see the way Damon seemed to pause when his eyes landed on the other girl and he was intrigued that Damon seemed to care seeing as he seemed emotionless most of the time. "Fine, it's your funeral." 

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