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Charlie stared up at the building in front of him, sighing slightly at the situation he was in. Jenna had convinced him to go to the police station and report that he was alive. He was given strict instructions to find Sheriff Forbes and tell her everything. A huff left his lips as he walked forward and pulled open the doors, walking inside the building. It wasn't large but it had an open concept that allowed anyone that was paying attention, to see him as soon as he came in. It was as if everyone's eyes were on him and it made his skin crawl.

He turned to the right and rose an eyebrow at some of the people he had locked eyes with. They seemed shocked, surprised that he had even stepped foot into the building. He rolled his eyes slightly before he walked to what looked like the main desk of the police station. The woman sitting at the desk had her back facing Charlie and he waited patiently before he grew irritated. "Excuse me-" The woman jumped in fright before she spun around, freezing at the sight of Charlie. "Yes, hi, I'm looking for one..." He trailed off as he lifted the sticky note to face level. "Sheriff Forbes?" 

The girl's lips parted as she slowly reached for the phone, her eyes not leaving his face. "Can I-Can I get a name?" She asked as she hit a button on the number pad. 

"Charles," He started as he glanced away for a moment. "Charles Mikaelson." 

When he turned back to her, she was speaking quietly over the phone to which he didn't bother listening to. He pursed his lips before a door opened down the hall. It was abrupt and it caught his attention. An older woman with a blonde pixie hair cut stepped out of the room and looked directly at him. "Oh, thank you..." He trailed off, realizing he didn't know her name.

She cleared her throat and held out her hand. "Celia Monroe," She introduced herself to the boy and he smiled, gently shaking her hand in greeting before he turned and walked towards the older woman, but not before glancing at Celia one last time, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He knew her, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Charles Mikaelson?" The woman asked as she allowed him into her office, closing the door behind him when they were both in. 

"Sheriff Forbes, I presume?" He asked in greeting, shaking her hand before he sat down in the chair she motioned to. She seemed just as surprised as the others were when they saw him. "I assume you know who I am?" He asked, grinning softly. He didn't want to spook anyone else. 

"I do," Elizabeth swallowed harshly as he took in his much older and more mature appearance. "I never thought I would see you again, son." 

He nodded slightly before he crossed his legs; his posture almost made it seem like it was business. "Why don't I tell you what happened, Mrs. Forbes?" He asked, tilting his head before he told her about everything, excluding the supernatural bits. 

Once he was done, she leaned back into her chair, trying to process the information. "How did you know to go to Mystic Falls?" 

"My mentor, the man I mentioned before that took me in, came here on business. You might know him as Elijah Smith." Charlie knew all of Elijah's aliases that he used to evade other supernatural beings to go undetected. "He didn't check in so I wanted to make sure he was okay and I just so happened to run into Elena and Jeremy." He smiled slightly at the thought of his family, not knowing what he would have done without them. 

"And why come here?" Charlie seemed confused by her question. "You have your records, ID, birth certificate, social security card...why come here?" 

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