Chapter 1- Someone Special

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Today was only what could be described as a truly beautiful day. Amidst the withdrawing rays of the sun who gently caressed everything they touched, the wind was softly drawing some scarce leaves and all of the alike into a merry-go-round.

Birds, having recently recovered from their seasonal slumber, voiced their joyful songs, bringing hope that warm days will soon return.

Though it was close to evening, one could still see the traffic of passers-by, hurrying to wherever it is they need to be, or rather, casually strolling along their way, taking the time to enjoy the scenery unraveling about them. Newly opened parks and playgrounds hosted school children, who were running about, playing tag or hide-and-seek, squealing and laughing as they went.

Snow had nearly entirely disappeared, revealing meek little snowdrops here and there, among young bright-green grass. The air smelled of freshness and new life, merging with the sweet aroma of seasonal flowers of the nearby florist shop owned by a young man who was known for his vast botanic knowledge, hence his popularity in the neighborhood.

"You have a great evening sir!" Yuuri smiled warmly, bidding his last customer of the day farewell. He sighed happily, today was quite a good day for him. He'd managed to sell several pre-made bouquets as well as two custom ones, which wasn't always the case.

Standing from behind his desk, he looked about the store, seeking unfinished work that he would have to complete before going home. Then again, who was he kidding? There would be no one but an empty lodging waiting for him, so what was the point of leaving early?

No, he would instead stay here long after dark, brainstorming ideas for various compositions that he would later put on display in the store. His works always seemed to have some sort of special message behind them, hidden either in their particular color palette or in the flowers themselves. That aspect of his creations is what made him such an exceptional florist, and he loved every bit of it.

Convinced that everything was in order, Yuuri grabbed his phone out of his pocket to check the time. He realized there was still half an hour left until closing time, so he chose to put his creativity to work.

He plugged in his headphones and let the music soothe him. A lively piano instrumental softly resonated about the store as the boy scribbled some brief notes in his notebook. This time, instead of just letting his intuition guide him, he was actually planning everything. The reason being, he had a very specific idea in mind.

Yes, it was going to be nothing less than perfect, as he was ready to pour his heart and soul into this. He was going to make a particularly special bouquet, and he was going to gift it to someone just as special.

Yuuri gently swayed from side to side, lightly humming to himself while he gathered everything he thought he would need on his worktable. A pair of secateurs in hand, he began his work with determination.

White carnations, red chrysanthemums, a bit of daisy here and there, as well as a touch of purple lilac - one of his personal favorites - were soon all laying on the table, among some other flowers. He cautiously wrapped them with a white plastic sheet, finalizing his masterpiece with a large ice blue bow.

So immersed in his work, the boy failed to realize that it was now way past closing time and that he had forgotten to actually close the store. Though it wasn't really the first time he'd done such a thing, he would eventually get to lock the doors as soon as possible without any 'accidents'.

Suddenly, the front door sprang open, making the bell ring frenetically. Yuuri couldn't help but let out a surprised squeal. He had most certainly not been expecting anyone at this hour, especially on a weeknight.

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