He wasn't waking up.

Then I saw Ashton give up, whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

No. They're not going to leave him. I'm not going to leave him.

I got down on my knees and started compressions on his chest just like I was taught that summer at the hospital.

One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three.

"Alexis honey. He's not waking up...." started Jaycee.

"No!" I lashed back tears running down my face, "I'm not leaving him! He never gave up on me, so I'm not about to do that! Come on Jace! Come on now!" I finished, as I focused my attention on him.

Somehow I wasn't tired anymore and I got this great surge of strength from absolutely nowhere.

Everything around me turned into a blur as I focused on bringing him back to life. Every voice around me became a distant hum as I only listened to his heartbeat.

I waited and waited and waited, but all I got in return was the sound of my own labored breathing.

'One more time' I thought. One. Two. Three.

"Lexi..." started Ashton.

"No! No!" Was all I managed to let out.

My hands were giving out and i felt like I was about to pass out. So I did one more thing I remembered from the hospital seminar.

I made my hand into a fist and started slamming it on his chest.

One. Two. Three.


One. Two. Three.


Just as I was about to give up, he started coughing and sputtering blood everywhere.

"Oh my goodness! You're back! You're back!" Was all I could manage to think about. All this time I was busy with the CPR I didn't even notice that Ashton had this hoodie off and pressed against his wound.

"What...what happened?" He asked shakily; out of breath.

"You dove in front of me and got shot instead. Jace you saved my life." I replied as I hugged him so tight.

"I guess that makes us even huh?" He mocked before grimacing in pain.

"We've always been even Jayjay."

"Sorry to ruin what appears to be an extremely sentimental moment, but we need to leave right now if we ever want to make it out alive." Said James.

"Let's go." Replied Jaycee. "Brenda. Dont worry. He's fine."

Giovanni jumped into the passageway and offered to help get him out of the sinkhole above us.

Jaycee and I were the last to leave. I looked around for the last time. The nasty smell, the reek of bleach, the smell of blood will forever haunt me. As soon as I set foot outside, the breath of fresh air hit so different.

"Welcome to the world Alexis." Said Giovanni, smiling at me but frowning at Jaycee, who obviously only frowned back.

The hole we came out of lead to a huge abandoned baseball court. The opening was huge but was hidden in a square of trees surrounding it from every side.

"Ok so where do we go from here?" Asked Ashton.

He got his reply alright, but not from anyone we were expecting.

"Why are you guys in such a hurry?" Asked Blake, as he emerged from the darkness of the bushes; gun in hand. His face was bloodied and there were cuts in his shirt. How the hell did he not die yet? What is he? A cat with nine souls?

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now