documents 201, 202, 203

Start from the beginning

Matty rolled her eyes.

"I wish you wouldn't look at it that way."

"And just how should I look at it, Matty?"

Matty stood up.

"Okay, we will play it your way.

The other documents state that along with the lighthouse, you will purchase all the land that is designated to the village through the government land act.

 You will own the fish plant, the dock, the community center, and all rights to the lands surrounding the village, which includes the lumber rights and mineral rights."

Bill looked confused.

"I own all the houses?"

Matty shook her head.

"No. As long as the original families live in the houses they own the land. The way it will work is that if they decide to sell and move away, you get first rights to the house and land. If you decide you do not want to purchase it, at assessed value, you still retain the rights to choose who buys the house."

"And the General Store?"

Again Matty shook her head.

"The Tucker family has always ran a General Store in the Bay. Henry and Harry own the General Store and the buildings attached, but they cannot expand anymore, unless you give approval to do so."

"Why wasn't all this explained to me? Dave Wells never said a word about all this extra stuff."

Matty took a deep breath.

"I asked him not to. I told him that I would explain it to you."

Bill nodded.

"So trade off the middle aged man for a beautiful redhead."

Matty's breath caught in her throat and she blushed slightly.

"It wasn't like that," she stammered.

"No. Its not like that at all. I just felt that if you came to the Bay and saw how beautiful it was, that you would fall in love with the Bay and this whole thing would be so much easier."

"Ah, huh."

Bill stood up and walked past Matty, into the kitchen.

"Another beer?"

"Yea. Okay."

Bill walked back in the living room and passed Matty her beer.

"So. How many other people have you had on the hook?"

Bill sat back on the couch and took out a pack of cigarettes.

"May I?"

Matty nodded.

"If I can have one."

Bill offered Matty one and then lit her cigarette.

"So. Other investors?"

"We have been trying to sell this village for the last couple years. We have had three other interested parties, but they all backed out."


"Various reasons," Matty explained.

"Superstitions, isolation, language barrier."

Bill smiled.

"There is that superstition again."

"Look, Bill. This was all my idea. I feel like I have failed the Bay so far, so I took a different approach this time. So don't hold anything against the other residents and don't let your decision be based on anything, but my shortcomings."

Bill laughed slightly.

"So your new direction was basically lies and blackmail?"

Matty closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

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