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Sans, Lullaby and Blue looked around the new area of the Anti Void with confusion. Error looked ahead with a bored expression. Ashy white dust floated around in the air casting down a eerie shadow and a sad depressed feeling fell upon the small group. It swirled around, falling to the ground like freshly fallen snow, only it missed the delightful sparkle. It seemed to suck in all happiness out of the air actually.
"It's like the Doodle Sphere." Blue commented solemnly. Sans and Lullaby looked at Blue silently questioning them. Error sighed and looked around before raising a hand up and reached out in silence. The other three watched Error confused.
"Whatcha doing?" Sans asked voicing the confusion. Lullaby shushed Sans and watched closely. Blue tilted their skull.
øU'Ll 533." Error muttered and hissed when their hand hit something invisible and solid and glitched out with a zap.
"Camouflage." Lullaby breathed out and summoned back their staff with the blue crescent moon on it. "Or trap." Sans and Blue frowned and summoned their own defences in.
Error glanced at them with a dull expression before pushing against the invisible wall hard. Error then lowered their hand into pockets and stepped back. The part of the invisible wall Error had touched visibly glitched out in pixel shaped colours. The pixelated colours folded over and away from the part Error had touched forming a doorway.
"How did you know that was there?" Blue asked Error with a smile. Blue and Sans then dismissed their floating attacks.
"I want to know how that worked too." Sans hummed. Lullaby narrowed their purple eye lights at Error who was staying quiet.
"How did you know that was there?" Lullaby questioned still holding the staff.
"1 53N53D 1T įN tH3 °d1Ng." Error answered with a grunt and looked down the doorway. "€øM3 Øn." Error then walked through the door way disappearing from view. Blue glanced at Sans and Lullaby before running after the Destroyer yelling a "Wait."
"Sensed it in the coding ey? Tibia honest, that sounds a bit glitchy but it is Error we are talking about." Sans said to Lullaby with a shrug and followed Blue. Lullaby frowned but shook their skull.
"What else is new?"
The first thing Error noticed inside the hidden away area was the sound of distort crying. Not the fact that they were now inside a small house. Not that the TV was still on with static. Not the shredded colourful artwork. Not the evidence of a fight from knocked over furniture and smashed up ceramic items. Only the crying.
Error looked up across the room and followed the sound, leading Blue, Sans and Lullaby to the one crying.
Lullaby griped the staff tighter at the evidence of a fight and tensed when they stepped on a plastic thing causing it to snap and crack loudly. Everyone stoped and looked to Lullaby with shushing motion. Only it was too late. The sobbing had quietened down.
"Welp, Lullaby cracked it." Sans chuckled quietly and Blue face palmed.
"Oh my stars! Sans! Be quiet!" Blue whispered yelled and Error shook their skull. There was the sound of movement in another room and a shy. "Who's there?" Lullaby was the one who spoke up.
"UnderTale Sans, UnderSwap Sans, DreamSwap Nightmare and Error Sans." Lullaby announced stepping forward. "Who are you?"
A black skull with red, yellow and blue eye lights and blue coding of zeros and ones running down the side of the dark skull that looked like a nicer, kinder version of the Destroyer poked out from a doorway.
"P-please go away.." They said voice shaky and sounds like they were trying to not burst into tears again. "Please j-just leave a-and don't come b-back..."
"Are you Reboot?" Blue asked stepping past Lullaby with a warming smile and arms open in a friendly gesture. "I'm UnderSwap Sans! But everyone calls me Blue! Mweh heh heh heh!" The small skeleton moved to be standing in the doorway and held a brown fabric tightly in their hands.
"Yes, I know." They answered giving a slight smile. Blue lowered their arms with a small Oh and smiled. "Y-you should all g-go."
"Are you okay buddy?" Sans asked seriously and the small skeleton shook their dark skull letting out a sob.
"Eraser's gone..." They answered and hugged something to their chest, the brown fabric. Error's eye sockets widened.
"R3°T. \/\/H4T h4pP3N3d?" Error asked, confirming that this distort skeleton was Reboot, a Creator. Reboot looked passed the other four skeletons into the messed up room.
"I-I don't know, I came back to this and, and, and Racy wasn't here, I called their name and searched the house o-only to find Eraser's clothing slashed up i-in like an X a-and it was filled w-with dust. I-I..." Reboot replied and started to cry again. "I-I've been hiding and mourning here since!" Reboot whaled. Lullaby frowned and dismissed the staff. Error silently walked past Reboot to look into the room that they were hiding in.
"That means what ever was here is gone now." Lullaby said to themselves. Blue shot Lullaby a look of anger and then gestured to Reboot with their skull saying silently, not now.
"That's tearble." Sans said with a slight chuckled before sighing. "It really is horrible. I am sorry you found the... evidence." Reboot nodded and wiped away tears with the back of their arms.
"Thanks..." Reboot whispered. "I-I just wished I was here... m-maybe I could have stoped w-what ever attacked Eraser o-or even prevented the w-whole thing b-by being here."
"Any clue what did attack?" Lullaby asked.
"N-no..." Reboot whispered. "I-I wished I did..." Reboot sniffed. "I'll k-kill who ever did!" Reboot continue suddenly with a hiss.
"Violence isn't always the answer." Blue said and Reboot gave a dull look.
"I know that.. I'm just so! So. So... mad a-and hurt but this! I just want Eraser back!" Reboot cried out before bursting into tears again. "I just want Racy here!" Lullaby sighed and let Sans move closer to the crying Creator. Sans opened their arms in a lazy gesture, offering a hug. Reboot looked to Sans then turned and stepped closer to Sans before crying into Sans's shoulder.
"There there. Shush, it will work out, we'll find out who did this." Sans soothed and rubbed Reboot's back. Reboot continued to cry.
"R-really?" Reboot stuttered out still crying.
"Must have found them recently." Lullaby whispered and Blue looked to Lullaby confused.
"Yeah, of course." Sans replied with a wink and a smile. Reboot sobbed a bit louder and continued to cry into Sans's shoulder.
"What do you mean?" Blue whispered back.
"I mean that, Reboot only just found Eraser's remains. Creators must deal with lost all the time with the amount of times the Destroyers destroy an A.U. and slash or timelines. Well, I am guessing they would. Ether way, I think Reboot only just came across the dust to be this upset still. Then again.... Reboot is pretty weak so they could just be dragging it out." Lullaby mused and Blue frowned.
"I don't like any of what you just said but it is plausible." Blue muttered back and looked to Reboot and Sans. "What do you think Error is doing?" Blue asked watching as Sans somehow calmed Reboot down into silence.
"Investigating of course." Lullaby chuckled out with a forced smile. "Error could probably figure out what or who dusted Eraser, if what Reboot says is true."
"You really don't think Reboot is lying do you?" Blue gasped. Lullaby shrugged.
"Just because they look like my Error and our Destroyer Error, doesn't mean I will trust them, something just doesn't settle with me about them." Lullaby answered still whispering.
"I guess..." Blue muttered with a frown. "Error's taking a while." Blue commented aloud after a moment of silence.
"Yeah. They are." Lullaby hummed agreeing. They spoke at normal volume now.
"I wonder why?" Blue questioned and walked away from Lullaby. When Blue got close to Reboot and Sans, Reboot yelled out and moved away from Sans to block Blue from entering the room.
"No!" Reboot yelled and held their arms up forward incase they had to push against Blue, though their hands were open in stop motion. "Please don't!"
"Why not?" Blue asked and tilted their skull.
"B-because! I don't think I could handle anyone else seeing what is left of Eraser!" Reboot responded shaking.
"Hey! Error's in there! Why did you let Error through?" Lullaby argued.
"I just want to check of Error! They are taking a while!" Blue replied at the same time as Lullaby and silence fell over the group.
Reboot looked between the three skeletons with wide eye sockets before the gaze hardened.
"I-I s-said no!" Reboot stuttered.
"What are you doing? We just want to get to our friend!" Blue exclaimed confused by Reboot's actions. "Surely as a Creator you would understand checking on your friends right?"
"D-Don't try to guilt trip me!" Reboot yelled back more tears falling. "This is why I don't like any of you!"
The three tensed up. Blue and Sans frowned slightly and Lullaby's hands twitched.
"Then why let the Destroyer of the group through or even reply to us?" Lullaby asked.
"Because at least I know what Error would be thinking! Error w-wouldn't lie to me like any of you do o-or have!" Reboot replied. "If they are to dust me then I would be fine with it knowing Error would finish it and I could join Racy."
"Have you gone insane!? We wouldn't lie to you nor try to dust you! We are trying to fix the Multiverse!" Blue said.
"Just let us see what Error has found, we won't look around, just to Error." Sans sighed trying to help.
"I said no!" Reboot yelled. "Please... just don't..." Reboot trailed off going quiet. "P-please leave..."
"Come on Reboot, let us through." Lullaby sighed stepping forward, effectively blocking the others from view, whether that was intentional or not was unknown. Reboot shook their skull holding back tears. Sans frowned slightly for a moment before gaining their normal slack smile and put their hands in their pockets before disappearing with a pop.
"At least let us check on Error." Lullaby continued.
"Then... then call out to the Destroyer!" Reboot huffed shaking slightly at Lullaby moving closure and towering over them with an intense deadpan look.
"I could yell out to him." Blue suggested with a smile only for Lullaby to hold out a hand at Blue motioning to stop. Lullaby pressed on.
"We shouldn't have to yell. We are inside and this annoying mess is giving me a headache at how annoying it is. You act like you have something to hide." Lullaby said eye lights narrowing to small dots. Reboot stuttered and stared back at Lullaby with wide eye sockets shaking slightly.
"N-no I'm not." Reboot stuttered out shaking getting worse. Sans then appeared behind Reboot causing them to scream when Sans spoke.
"Error is having a crashing time and Reboot didn't lie about Eraser ether. It... is really messed up." Sans said which has startled the Creator and resulted in a scream. Lullaby frowned.
"Why did he crash again?" Lullaby whispered into the air and Sans shrugged. Reboot whimpered and looked around frantically. Blue tilted their skull.
"Reboot, why are you freaking out?" Blue questioned and moved closure to the group. Reboot stayed quiet and shook their skull. Lullaby sighed tiredly.
"I guess we are going to need to wait for Error to come out of the crash." Lullaby groaned and dragged their hand down their skull sighing again. "This is getting annoying."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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