Extra: Father's Day

Start from the beginning

And she just lied. Everyone here is such a good influence, hmm? She really grew out of her shell, hadn't she? She'll have to go give Ben a big thank you, along with Offender. (No, she's not thinking of Jeff, she hasn't seen him in a few months)

Her father let out a heavy sigh, probably rubbing his temple. She didn't dare look, eyes glued to the same paragraph, on the same sentence, on the same word.

"I happened to partake in a party due to n nagging and taunting, dad." Val sighed, putting her book down and pulling her blanket over her head. "And I might've drank just a little."

"A 'little' means just one bottle, does it?" Her father asked, and Val sensed something that was strange, an odd tone she never heard since she was probably around 4 to 5.

'Was, was her dad teasing her?'

"Pfft, yeah?" Val responded, burying herself further into the blanket. If she's lucky, she could sink into the bed itself, maybe into a whole new world where alcohol doesn't exist and she can ride unicorns and cats can talk. Or she can fall into Freddy Krueger's nightmare world, that's acceptable too.

"I'm not gonna get mad at you Val." Her father said, sitting next to her. "You're an adult and you can make your own choices."

Val smiled, peeking out of her safety blanket.

"But if you lie to me again, I'm gonna see to it that alcohol is nothing but a myth to you."

"Bleugh, I don't ever want to consume the stuff again." Val groaned. She sat up, regretting it, and smoothed her hair. She had it cut around her ears over an impulse to look different, and fortunately it was a good different according to Jane and Ben. And she even got one ear pierced!

She grinned at her dad, who chuckled and stood to look out the window. Then they stayed quiet, Val tried to finish the book and her dad thinking. Then, she put the book down and looked at him.

Yeesh, how her world changed when she learned how completely different her childhood was compared to normal kids she'd see on the internet. (And kinda cringy too, exaggerated and her life almost seemed like a fan fiction written by a teenager). Don't get her started when she first drank and with drunk confidence caused her to go off on Jeff for her unpleasant first kiss, with Jane cheering her on and a lot of yelling between Val and Jeff. What a fun day that was.

But everything between her and her father was very serious and awkward, a lot of talking and thoughts of how things could've be been better went unspoken.

"Y'know, dad," Val started, taking a breath and crossing her legs, "after mom died, a lot of things, beside the Tristan stuff, happened. Weird things."

She kept her eyes to her lap, and knew that she had her father's full attention. "I kept having nightmares, about people who I didn't know, but later found out they were just angry spirits," she paused and looked up at her father, "mom's friends."

She saw him twitch and he moved to take his mask off. "Val-"

"I stopped having them, just the night after Tristan died." She paused, then added, "not that he was the cause, but because mom appeared."

She waited for a response, but didn't get one. "Yeah, she promised to keep them away. And for 2 or 3 years, I kept seeing her in my dreams and we talked about anything."

"Valentine, why didn't you tell me any of this?"

"Because she asked me not to, I'm sorry." She gave him an apologetic smile and received a reluctant nod. "And a few days before she stopped appearing, we talked about the possibility of being a normal family. Me, you, and mom."

She swallowed heavily, remembering the dream clearly like it happened yesterday. "Dad, do you think we could've been a normal family?"

For a few moments of silence, they just stared at each other, their faces solemn. Then, Jack sighed and looked away.

"I want to believe we could've been, Val. But no. We could've had a first few 'normal' years, but I'm not normal and it wouldn't have lasted."

Val blinked and stared down at her hands, balling up her blanket. "... yeah, mom gave the same answer." She muttered.

After more silence, she said, "I miss her."

"... me too."

The tension in the air was released and the room was in silence. Jack continued to stare out of the window and Val eventually returned to her book.

It felt really good to get that all out. To admit things she never spoken to other people about. It was too personal, and at the time when she decided to stay at the mansion, things were still too awkward for Val and her father.

After what seemed like an hour, Val broke the silence. "Isn't Father's Day today?"

"... is it?"

"... wanna go watch some cooking shows or something?"



Whoo, happy Father's Day! Have an extra chapter where Jack gets information for a present!

How Val has grown. She's in her mid twenties btw.

-her life almost seemed like a fan fiction written by a teenager-

She's becoming aware O~O! And I was a teenager when I wrote this. But I am officially a technical adult! I turned 18 in March.

Are you guys happy about the fact she got mad over her first kiss? Please tell me, I know most of you were mad over that too XD and she even swears now (not around Jack though)

And look! I redrew Val, because I got a little better at art. I still don't think I'm good, but I got better :).

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