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The voices and creatures are making themselves more known, they hang around me at all times but the others dont seem to see them. This means I can't talk to them when people are around, but I can talk to them when I'm alone. Hounddog says he thinks something is wrong with me as I seem faraway but I'm just listening to the voices.

I made my way to the bathroom after my therapy appointment, I didnt really have to use the bathroom I just wanted to talk to the creatures. I stepped in and felt a overwhelming hunger deep down in my stomach, not now! Please!

I frowned and balled myself up in the corner away from the door, I mumbled under my breath as my hands ripped my sleeves. Black blood found itself once again on the ground, where it shouldn't be. I sobbed as what felt like years of pain stopped as someone pried away my hands. I looked up through my pain to see a scared Present mic and a worried Aizawa.

I sobbed "the voices! T-they wont leave me alone!" I cried as Present mic held my hands away from my body. "I-im so hungry." I whispered as it clicked for Mr. Aizawa, he grabbed me and held me close to his chest as he ran to recovery girls office.

I grunted as I was placed onto a bed as my blood continued flowing out of my self inflicted wounds. Then suddenly my vision was black and I found myself sleeping.

I awoke to bright lights and soft snores coming from my right, I groaned and sat up to see a awake Mr. Aizawa and a asleep Present mic. I would of chuckled if my body didnt hurt, "hey kid, feeling better?" I shook my head and laid back down. "Yeah but can you tell me what you meant by 'the voices wont stop'?" I froze under his cold stare.

"T-the voices, they wont stop. They talk to me all the time and even come with creatures. Voices are usually deep and tell me to hurt myself or others but I dont listen to them. The creatures are friendly and let me talk to them, they range in sizes and shapes. My favorite is a tall shadowy one that hangs out in my room." I said as the tension in the air was suddenly sliced in half with a hot knife.

"And you didnt tell anyone?!" Mr. Aizawa kinda shouted before he regained his grip. "I-I thought it was normal, I've never taken medicine before so, I thought..." "it's okay, but medicine isn't supposed to do that kid." I nodded and watched as the creatures in the room grew clearer and clearer until they all disappeared. "They all just disappeared." I said as I looked back over to Mr. Aizawa.

He didnt have a recognizable emotion on his face but when has he ever?

"Look kid, we have been informed that you have no actual guardian in your life." "Yeah but I've been taking care of myself since like five years old." He looked shocked at this but continued on with what he was saying. "So me and mic have....look we are going to adopt you and you'll live with us. A kid that's going through these things needs a guardian or adult in their life, so we will be those adults." It was now my turn to be shocked at this new information.

"You would actually want me?" I questioned as his face distorted into a small smile. "Yeah we want you problem child. We can leave to your new house when recovery girl comes back." "But the dorms?" "You're staying at our house, we would like to keep an eye on you at all times. Dont let it feel like a prison cause it's not, we just want the best for you and your mental health." I wearily nodded, this was alot of information to take in during this small period of time.

My head swung around to face the door to see recovery girl walking in and to my bed. She checked over me and allowed my new parents to take me home with them. It was weird, going home with your teachers but they're my dads now I guess? I dont think its been legalized yet so they aren't actually my dads now but i guess they will be soon.

We pulled up to a house on the smaller side, I didnt mind though. A house is a house to me, if it has a roof then it's a house. I unbuckled myself and followed the two other males into the house, the living room is nice and comfy looking. What was that?

I looked down to see a cat rubbing its face on my legs, so they have cats.... cute. Prese- no..I guess I'll call him.... papa. Yeah that seems right, he leads me into a small but comfy room that has grey walls and ceiling. It had a nice sized bed in one corner and a desk in another.

I thanked him and he left to downstairs, i walked over to the closet and grabbed a hoodie and sweat pants. I changed and placed what I had on into what I guess is the difty clothes basket.

Suddenly something comes creeping in the corner of my vision, it's a creature! Oh how good it is to see one of them but it turned bad as its voice told me bad things. It kept telling me to hurt myself or hurt my new family. I dont want to!

I grasped my head and knelt to the ground, trying to block out the voices. The door opened someone's arms were wrapped around me, trying to grab at my hands. They were yelling for someone or something, i dont care. They helped me to my feet and helped me to the living room, then I saw the front door. The creatures and their voices were growing louder with each step I took away from the door.

I tugged my body away from the person and bolted to the door, it was unlocked! I flung the door open and ran as the night sky overhead seemed to darken with each stride I took. I raced down an alleyway and got quickly lost in them, i walked around for a bit until i rested under a overhanging roof. I'm scared but atleast the voices and creatures aren't here.

Will they be mad? I hope not.

Edited: April 29, 2020

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