~?dIsToRtInG lIvEs?~

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The medicine is really working, I dont have to always be by Kacchan's or Mina's side now. I can freely roam the halls and attend Hounddogs therapy sessions by myself! I even got my own dorm room, but it's right by Kacchans so I'm close by.

I grab the bottle and take two more pills for today, Hounddog has been thinking of lowering my doses since it's working so well. I make my way into class and sit down, suddenly a high pitched ringing enters my ears, I look around to see if anybody else hears it but they are still. I shrug it off and listen to what I can of the lesson on heroics, just then a flash of white fills my eyes. Its quick hut it hurts slightly, I rub at my eyes and the pain seems to go away. I dont know what that is but it cant harm me, I mean it's just a flash of light.

Days pass by and my vision is becoming less and less, black is starting to seep in around the sides of my eyes but only I can see it. The flashes are becoming more prominent and hurt worse and worse each time but I dont tell anyone, this is probably normal. I was walking in the halls to Hounddogs therapy session as the blankness faces grow around me. I dont recognizd them but I dont see them as a threat so I leave them be. Then I see Kacchan walking with one that has spiky red hair, I bound up to him and kiss his cheek alerting him to my presence.

He wraps a arm around me and walks me to Hounddogs office where he has been waiting for me. I took twenty minutes to get there but it only seemed if two had passed by. It doesnt matter, my sense of time must be decaying so I'll buy a watch!

After the visit Kacchan walks me to the dorms, a sudden burst of anger controls me to remove his arm from my side. I step away from him but still walk with him to the dorms. People surround me to say hi, but I lash out at them too, scaring them away from me. I quickly make my way to my room where I crave flesh, I dont have any stocked up and I cant ask anybody for some. Not after I had lashed out, I don't even know why I did, I just became so angry.

I threw my shirt and pants off, I quickly dugs into my arms, trying to ease the craving in my system. It feels like hours have passed as my black blood seeps to the floor, I shuffle up and grab a towel to clean it up. Luckily my floors are wooden and wont stain from it, but when has my blood been black?

I sigh and bandage my arms up, suddenly something comes into my vision. Its looks like a black figure who is too tall for the room, it has to bend over so its head doesnt touch the ceiling. I'm not scared by it, not even a little bit, more like I am comforted by its presence. I talk to it, it never talks back though, not that it has to. "So yeah, that's why I look like this!" I happily end our conversation, then as a knock is heard on the door the man disappears.

I open the door to see a confused Kacchan standing outside of my room, I wave to him and talk to him a bit before he leaves. I had to lie and say I was trying to practice what to say when someone asks why I look like this. He believed it and left but it hurt to lie to my boyfriend, I didnt want to but if he knew the truth he might be angry with me. I'll do anything if it means Kacchan never gets angry, he is kinda scary when angry even if I've seen it a million times.

I went back to the center of my room to see more figures around my room, some even had deep voices. I talked to them all day until it was the next day, once again I need to buy a watch. Thank the gods it Saturday and I can go out and buy one. I get up and run at my eyes before changing into comfy but stylish clothes for outside.

I head downstairs to see everybody in the living room, I grabbed something to eat before going over to Kacchan. "Kacchan, I'm going out to buy myself a watch." I said as he nodded, "why do you need a watch?" "My internal clock is messed up, I'm spending time ont things that shouldn't take that long. So I'll be back and dont worry!" I said as I made my way to the door, opening it and walking to the mall.

The mall today is packed and the stores are bustling with business, I walked inside the cheap watch store. I dont need a fancy one, just one to tell the time and not get into trouble for it. Mr. Aizawa doesnt like it when we use our phones in class, neither does Hounddog. I picked up a simple black watch and bought it, it was cheap but seemed durable. It's not like I'm going to wear it for training or for my hero costume.

I put the watch on and headed back home before it got too late, I opened the door and showed Kacchan my new watch. When I was done I went back upstairs to get a wink of sleep in, since I didnt last night.

I change into pjs and place the watch on the nightstand, I yawn and take two pills as the voices start up once more. The voices lured me to sleep as I laid my head down on the cold pillow. It didnt take long for me to actually fall asleep tonight, usually it takes awhile but I guess I'm tired because I went outside today.

Edited: April 29, 2020

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