~?fInAlLy ThE wEeKeNd?~

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Aizawa had let them go with a warning that Izuku should've told a teacher so he could eat it in a room. But other then that the two weren't reprimanded to harshly.

The two walked together holding hands as they neared Izuku's childhood home, Katsuki felt something in the air was off but thought nothing of it. He brushed it off that it was from earlier at lunch. He let Izuku open the door as Katsuki walked in behind him and locked it. He threw his bag to the ground and threw himself at the soft looking couch. Izuku let out a small chuckle as izuku left to make his boyfriend and himself a drink.

Izuku came back a little while later holding two cups of tea, he sat down next to Katsuki as he also set a cup down on the table. Katsuki smelling the sweet aroma sat up and chugged almost all of it down. Izuku let out another small laugh as he sipped his own tea. The two slowly let themselves relax and enjoy the company of each other. With every sip Izuku grew sleepier and sleepier, he tossed this thought to the side as tea always makes him tired. He let out a yawn as he picked up a hand to rub his eyes. Katsuki noticing took the cup from Izuku and laid his head on Katsukis lap. Izuku realized how tired he really was but it was to late as he unconsciously slipped into a dreamless state on his boyfriends lap.

Izuku was woken up by glass breaking and thumping in the room, he shot up to see the league of villians in his house fighting Kacchan. Izuku shot up and tackled a member who was going for a back shot at Katsuki. I grimaced and bit down on the blonde female, I scratched at her skin, making blood tear up. She yelped out in pain until it turned into crazed laughter. I pulled my teeth away from his shoulder and spat out her blood as she suddenly came me against a wall. I gasped for breath as the breath was knocked out of me, I let go of her back and collapsed to the ground. I think I did more then get the breath knocked out of me.

I was suddenly being picked up by the same blonde girl who with a closer look had yellow cat eyes and fangs. I groaned as she put me over her non hurt shoulder, I weakly reached out for Katsuki who was passed out on the ground. I mumbled out an 'I love you' before my vision went black once more.

I opened my eyes to be met with, well nothing, for a second I thought I hadn't opened my eyes. Just then did my vision adjust to the darkness, another good part of my quirk. I looked around the room to see chains on connected to chairs and medical tools. Just based on this I could guess I was in an experimenting room or a hospital. But a hospital is never this dark so it's the first option. I tried to talk but I was met with a cloth covering my mouth, it was stiff and hard to breath through so I started breathing through my nose instead.

I could barely move my fingers, which gave me multiple options for what's causing it. Either I was given a sleeping drug, a sedative drug, or I'm heavily locked down. My tea did make me sleepy, but who would they have known I would drink the tea? A camera in my house? Possible and not absurd.

Suddenly my thoughts were cut off as the large metal door opened, allowing blinding light to contaminate the darkness. I squinted my eyes in pain, the light making me realize the splitting headache I have. I wearily opened my eyes fully once more as a doctor looking person stepped towards me. I weakly shook my head no as he came closer and closer to me. I couldn't fight, not with whatever drugs that have been pumped into me. Even if I didnt have drugs pumped into me, I dont think they would leave me in here not chained down.

Suddenly my body was met with an overwhelming and blinding pain. It started at my stomach and made it's way up to my chest. I screamed but my screams were stifled by the cloth over my mouth. It was a horrible pain that made my vision go white, then when it calmed down all that I saw was red. I huffed as the pain finally fully subsided into a numbing tingling feeling in my chest. I groaned as the man suddenly moved my aching body to another table, he strapped me down as I laid unmoving. I couldn't find the energy to move a single muscle, I didnt even want to blink.

Suddenly a sharp, pinch was felt in the side of my neck, I writhed under what I assumed was a needle. I never have been a fan of needles, they scare me alot. I started panicking as I felt more needles being put into my neck. The doctor had to hold my head down as I tried to move, what i didnt know was that I was hurting myself more every time I moved. Then the needles were taken out and placed on a tray next to me. They had blood on the end as I felt the warm liquid run down my neck. I instantly started calming down as the needles were taken away from my body.

This continued on for what felt like hours as more and more lain entered my body, only leaving me worse then the last time. I was so incredibly tired but with the constant knife to my skin or flame, there was no way I would be able to sleep. Then the doctor left the room, leaving me bloody and hurt. At least I could sleep and rest up for now. When i wake up, this will all just be a bad dream and I'll still be next to Kacchan.

~?nExT dAy?~

I was woken up by the metal door slamming shut as the same doctor walked in. I let the tears flow down my face as he started back up with the same things as yesterday.

He ripped into my flesh and muscles as he continued working on my body, I dont know what he's doing but it hurts. Just then another person walked into the room, he had no eyes or nose and his face was covered in scars. He walked closer to me before placing a hand on my forehead, I screamed as intense heat came from his hand. It felt like he was melting my brain into a warm juice. My eyes welled up with more tears as I passed out from the sudden and horrible pain to my head.

Edited: April 29, 2020

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