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~Deku's POV~

I finally got home and laid Katsuki on the couch, my stomach growled as I hadn't ate since this morning. I dont like eating at school, it's weird. Taking out a brown package to only open it to reveal raw and bloody meat. I dont think that will go to well, with the students or staff board.

I neared the fridge as my mouth watered, I knew exactly what I wanted. Human meat. Thankfully I stocked up and made sure I wouldn't run out from my sudden cravings. It gets hard without human meat, I have to eat lots of normal meat just to satisfy one craving. I carefully took it out of the fridge, I placed it on the counter. I didnt want to wake up Katsuki with the noise so I had to be quiet.

I opened the package and started to tear into it, I couldn't help it when I smelt it. Something that I enjoy way to much, at this point I dont think it's because of my quirk. I think it's something that if I could, I would eat as my meals and snacks. I had been to indulged in my food that I hadn't noticed that I had a audience watching. I shoveled the last into my face, I carefully licked my fingers, picking up anything I missed.

I looked up to see a horrified Kacchan, I froze. I started to tremble, my bestfriend just saw me eat it. He saw what I really was. I covered my mouth and let the tears fall. He rushed over and rubbed my back comfortingly, he let my bloody face snuggle into his shirt. It took at least 30 minutes for me to calm down finally.

I looked him in the eyes, and told him exactly my quirk. "My quirk is called Cannibal. It gave me these features along with increased stamina and strength. At a price though I developed a weird taste, I can no longer eat normal food. I have to eat raw mea-" I started. "Please tell me that was raw cow or pig.." he pleaded. "It wasn't, it was human. I crave it, I have no say over it. If i dont get atleast one piece of human, I go crazy. It takes quiet alot of normal meat to quite down that certain craving." I finished.

He looked shocked but I could tell he understood why. "I dont want to know where you get it, I dont mind seeing you eat it again. Only because I know why, and I won't tell anybody." He calmly replied back to me. I let out a shakey breath and leaned on his shoulder. I thanked him and left to clean myself up, I came back down and saw him watching TV. I sat back down next to him and laid my head back on his shoulder. I let out a slight bluss but when he rubbed my head I couldn't help but let out a purr. He stopped and looked at me, I looked back at him and shrugged. We went back to our original spots and he rubbed my head again, earning a purr from me.

He asked me if he could stay over and I told him that he didnt need to ask. He texted his mom, "the hag says I can stay." "Yay, kacchan can stay!" I said while jumping on the couch. "Aye, no jumping on the couch!" He spat and I immediately sat back down. "Hey kacchan?" "What Deku?" "Can I hold your hand?" I saw Kacchan's cheeks gain a little blush. "You dont have to ask." It was my turn to blush as I grabbed his hand.

~nExT dAy~

Me and Kacchan had fallen asleep while holding hands, not that I mind. I really didnt want to get up but my stomach said otherwise. That's when I realise that my stomach makes most of my decisions. I looked over and saw a still asleep Katsuki, not that I would ever say it out loud but I love Kacchan. More than anyone, more the Present mic. That's alot of love for him.

I slowly woke him up, careful not to make him mad. He stirred awake and fluttered his eyes open but quickly shut them. I guessed he needed to adjust to the light in here. I squeezed his hand lightly and that seemed to get him up and moving. I then made a very rash decision, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. What I didn't know is that he somehow knew this?!? Katsuki quickly turned his head towards me and let me fall into his trap. He immediately grabbed my head so I couldn't leave his touch.

Not that I would.

I loved every minute of it, his tender touch, his soft lips. He's so gentle but passionate, I love him. He pulled back but quickly came back to smash his lips back onto mine. It felt like fireworks, it was my first kiss and it was amazing. He separated once again but for good this time, I was frozen but soon came over it as I hugged him.

"I love you Kacchan." I whispered ou n his ear. "I love you to Deku." He whispered back to me. I sat up from him and looked ed into his eyes, I could tell he wasn't lying to me. Over the years I knew him, I'm one of the few people who can. Successfully read him. I looked away as I felt my cheeks heat up, he kissed my neck and I yelped. I covered my face with my hands and ran to my room.

"Deku, you're moving fast. Already trying to get me into your bed!" He yelled from the living room. I dont even know what came out of my mouth, it sounded like a gargle but at the same time a scream. I think he broke me. I quickly changed and ran back downstairs and ate some of my meat. I brushed my teeth and we left my house, walking hand in hand. We got to school and let go of each others hands and acted like we normally would. But I couldn't stop looking at him, he is quite pretty.

When lunch rolled around he ate with me and held my hand under the table. I knew I had a green blush on my face but I couldn't stop it. "Do you think we can see Present mic today?" I asked Kacchan. "We would be very lucky to see two pro-heros two days in a row. But it's always a possibility." He replied back taking another bite from his sandwich. "I hope today is the day I get to meet him, I've been waiting forever to!" I quickly replied back to him. Then the bell rang, signifying lunch is over and classes are starting up again.

Honestly school couldn't end any sooner, all I really wanted to do was hold Kacchan's hand. His hands were warm from his quirk but surprisingly not sweaty. That's what makes his quirk work atter all. I hadn't even realised I started to mumble about Kacchan's quirk. He bumped my shoulder to get my attention, I looked up at him and he kissed me. I quickly looked back down and blushed madly, I silently cursed him out in my head.

We walked to his house today as he wanted to tell his mom about us dating now. He unlocked the door and we took our shoes off, his mom engulfing me in a bear hug. "AYE YOU OLD HAG, PUT MY BOYFRIEND DOWN!" Kacchan yelled. "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU BIG BRAT!" Mitsuki yelled back as I somehow got out of her grasp. I ran upstairs to wait for him.

"YOU SCARED HIM YOU OLD HAG!" He screamed. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU TWO WERE DATING YOU BRAG!" "WE JUST STARTED YOU OLD HAG!" Katsuki yelled back. I think us quiet people have a thing for explosive blondes.

Edited: April 29, 2020

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