~?mY MoThEr?~

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~dEkU's POV~

Me and mama had finally made it to the doctors, and got settled down. We were in the doctor's office, he was holding something up to a light. Also saying something about one toe joint, I wonder what that means. I just want to know if I have a quirk like Present mic! I of course want to be the number 1 hero, i want mother to be proud of me!

We climbed back into the car but the car ride home was weirdly quiet. Momma would usually turn on a radio station or talked to me about what I like the most about certain heros. But she wasn't talking, she hadn't even turned the radio on. I finally saw our house and unbuckled myself and waited for the car to come to a complete stop. I jumped out and ran to the front door and waited patiently. That was I finally saw Mamas face, she looked sad? No, confused? Yeah she looked confused.

I rushed in a asked her to turn on my favorite Present mic video. She said that she would but it would have to wait for awhile. So instead I asked what my quirk was, she stiffened and only said that I did have a quirk but I wasn't allowed to know what it was. I only pouted at this but waited for the video.

~nExT dAy~

I was going to see Kacchan and I was excited to tell him I had a quirk! I ran up to him and hugged him, I knew he didn't like hugs but I was just to happy! He lightly pushed me off, then he asked the important question! "So Deku, did you get a quirk?" "Yes! But momma won't let me know what it is." I quickly said back. "Well that sucks." He said back to me. "Atleast we can still be heros together Deku!" He cheered. I got a idea, I touched him and yelled "Tag!" And ran off. He yelled after me and chased me around until it was time to go home.

~aT hOmE~

I decided I would ask momma what my quirk was after dinner again. I got in my seat and noticed we were having katsudon for dinner. I got very excited and jumped up and down in my seat. I waited until momma sat down to eat, the first few bites were really good but it started to not taste right. I stopped chewing, "what's wrong dear?" "It taste nasty." I said quietly to try to not hurt mommas feelings. She had a look of shock on her face and ran into the kitchen. She came back out with a tray some meat on it, "how about these izuku?" She asked me. "Those don't look good but it's good to try new things." She smiled as I took a piece of the red meat off of the tray. I popped it into my mouth and slowly chewed, but as soon as it hit my tounge I knew I loved it. "Mama its delicious!" I yelled. I quickly took more off of the tray and stuffed my mouth full. By the time mama was done with her dinner I had gone to look for more. I was raiding the kitchen for more, I felt something come out of the corner of my mouth. I wiped it away and saw it was drool, all I did was wipe it on my shorts. Mama found me raiding the kitchen and asked if I was still hungry. I nodded super fast, I told her I wanted more meat. She looked kinda pale, but she got out more and cut it up. She handed it to me, as I ate more and more. I had finished the last piece before i had finally got full from dinner, i said goodnight to momma and went up to my room. I re-dressed in my pajamas and tucked myself into bed.

~nExT dAy~

I woke up to a growling stomach, I rushed downstairs and found a note. "Dear izuku, I had to go to the store as we ran out of your food. I'll be back soon, you are only allowed to leave the house to go to Katsuki's. -Love Mom" I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some meat that was on a tray, I knew momma left it there for me. I ate it quickly and changed and rushed over to Kacchan's.

~aT kAcHaN's~

I knocked on the door and Auntie Mitsuki opened the door for me. "Hi sweetie, what are you doing here? And where's your mom?" She asked as I rushed inside. "I'm here to hang out with Kacchan and momma is at the store!" I said as I rushed upstairs to Kacchan's room. Hs room was always decked out in Allmight stuff, I liked Allmight but my favorite hero was Present mic. His quirk was so cool, I mean the power to make yourself louder! It was so cool! My room had Present mic stuff in it. I found he also looked cooler then Allmight. "Kacchan!" I yelled as I jumped on him as he sat on the floor. He grunted and pushed me off again, I laughed and walked over to his toys and pulled out the Present mic one. "Let's play heros." I exclaimed!

Edited: April 29, 2020

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