The Internships

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"*sniff* *sniff* Exorcists?" I raise an eye at why two members of the church were in a devils house right now. Me and Miruko sit down with the chestnut colored hair one a little surprised. "The rabbit hero? She's part of one of your houses." "She does business with my older sister. She helps her a little with cases, while  Miruko assists us in cases that require heroes to step in." They seemed to understand with the blue haired one going right to the point. "Me and my associate are looking for a few Excalibur fragments that were taken from the church. The culprit fled into this area and we came to not cause complications with your territory."

"So you came to ask my house for hel-" "No, we didn't come to ask for help." The blue haired one makes this known before continuing. "We only wish for you to stay out of our way. We shall handle this without causing trouble in your area, so do not meddle in our business." They get up to leave before noticing the blond girl Asia. "Your that witch that was once known as a saint, aren't you?" She nods with the other girl coming over. "Who would believe that someone of the church would fall so low as to become a devil. Do you even believe in god anymore?" "I..I do. It's hard to, but I still hold god in my heart. But I have no regrets becoming a devil. I made many friends in the process and refuse to give them up." The blue haired girl started to unsheathe her sword. "If you still believe in god, then die. It is the only noble thing you can do with your faith."

This enraged me with the pervert walking in front of her. "Why does Asia have to die!? She's a good person devil or not that just wants to make friends and have a peaceful life. She was excommunicated by your faction because of her good nature. She never wanted to be placed on the pedestal of saint or be labeled a witch. Your faction did that! Now you want to kill her? What gives you the right!?" "I agree with the perv on this one. Neither of you have the right to judge someone you never met and knew personally. Also, I'm not a fan of sitting back and letting someone do the dirty work and I'm certain Ms. Gremory over there isn't too fond of you snooping in her territory either. So here's what I suggest, the two of you go against us. If I win, you work with Miruko's agency." "I'm not a fan of joining in on these things, but I'll allow it." "And if I win, you both have to apologize to Asia!" "Issei, they don't have to do that." "Fine, but we will do as we see fit if we win with none of you interfering with our business if we win." We agree to the terms and head outside.

3rd person POV:

Once everyone was outside, Izuku started stretching while putting on a special kind of glove. "First off, let me introduce myself. I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm a student of UA that is in an work study with Miruko. My hero name is the Nekomata hero Deku." "I am Xenovia Quarta, and this is my associate Irina Shidou." The blue haired woman known as Xenovia introduced them. "So how are we going to do this? Tag team or two separate matches?" "Since there's two different things at stake, let's do both matches side by side Issei." Irina smiled as they both pulled their robes off and prepared to fight. Xenovia fought Izuku, while Irina fought Issei. "I'll referee this match. Begin!" Miruko shouted this with everyone ready to fight.

Izuku came at Xenovia with break neck speeds with Full Meow. He started throwing punches with power and speed behind it. Black electricity started coming off Xenovia's sword to gain her attention. "Should've figured it was a holy sword." Izuku pulled back to show knuckle bracers with black iron and a pentagram on them. "These knuckle bracers were made with the demonic sword Muramasa as a starting line. These are one of my three different weapons I made to go against your faction. I call them Angel Busters." Izuku smiled while knocking his knuckles together to make a clanking sound.

Xenovia began coming at Izuku next to try to slice him. Each hit, Izuku dodged with millimeters of distance. One hit however, sliced his cheek a little to make him jump back. "Not bad." Xenovia looked a little surprised as the cut wasn't really doing much. "I thought you were part of the devils faction? This is the holy sword of destruction, so why isn't it harming you more?" "Because I'm not a devil. I'm a Nekomata that just happens to side with devils without technically being part of their faction." Izuku wiped the blood off his cheek to lick it. "If I had to choose a faction to be part of, it would be with humans."

Izuku charged again with Xenovia trying to hit the ground to shatter it. This failed however with Izuku holding the tip of the blade over  his head. "You have my respect. This blade is heavy and shouldn't be easy to swing. Congrats on having the skill you do." Xenovia ignored this and tried to push harder down. Izuku on the other hand, decided to lift the blade and Xenovia up to spin them. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" "WEEEE!" He lets go and sends her into the trees. "Hope I didn't hurt her too much. I may have raw power, but I'm a gentle creature at heart." Izuku smiled looking out to the crowd of onlookers.

He's pulled out of his thought process though to watch Issei accidentally miss his mark and touch Asia and Koneko. The act quickly made their clothes rip off. "YOU GODDAMN PERVERT!" Izuku started walking over, but was stopped when Koneko punched him high into the sky. "....I can live with that for now." He jumps out of the way for Xenovia to make a crater in the ground from a swing. "You know, you should really loosen your shoulders up a bit. If you keep that up, your movements will be stiff and slower." "SHUT UP CAT!" She kept swinging with Izuku dodging each hit. When he got below her, Izuku headbutted her into the stomach to make Xenovia kneel down. Grabbing the holy sword, Izuku held his fist to Xenovia's head with her yielding to this.

On the other hand, Irina was able to win her fight against Issei with them being bound by only Izuku's agreement. "As promised, we will work alongside Miruko's agency." Xenovia held her head down in shame knowing she was bested. Izuku pulled his glove off and gave Xenovia a hand up. They went over to the others with Miruko going over the arrangements. While that happened, Izuku went over to Issei. "Nice match ma-Dwah!" Izuku gave a solid punch to his jaw with a little agitation to the pervert. "That was for what you did to Koneko before you little perv." "Wight sowwy." Issei stated this through a swollen cheek as the four left after saying their goodbyes.

Several hours later, Izuku POV:

"WHY ARE THEY SLEEPING IN MY ROOM!?" "Cause I don't have another room for them." I looked over to see them both occupying the bed to just sigh. "Fine. This was kinda my fault anyway." "That's the spirit! Now don't rock the bed, unless it's mine." Miruko started to laugh as she left the room. I grabbed a blanket to make a makeshift bed for me in my cat form. "I'll take the floor." I turn into a cat for Irina to run over and pick me up. "YOU ARE SO ADORABLE LIKE THIS!" "Irina, put the cat down and go to sleep." "Can I take this little kitty in the bed?" "HE'S/I'M STILL A MAN!" "Aww, that's no fun." Irina gets into the bed with me getting comfy.

While we start laying there, Irina looks over to me. "Hey Midoriya, why are you in a hero school?" "When I was younger, I did something to my little sister I can never forgive myself for. I wanted to help people and become the hero I should've back then. Though the reality of it wasn't as bad as it was with my sister being alive in the end, I'm still haunted by the memory of not doing what I should've." "So your trying to replace the one bad with a lot of good?" I nodded. "I know it won't change the bad, but I thought it would honor my sisters memory doing a lifetime of good as some kind of repayment. Stupid right?" "No. It's not." Xenovia answered this while sitting up to look at me. "You wished to honor your sisters memory and make her life mean something to you and still want to prove you feel ashamed of your failure. There is nothing more noble than that. She must be proud of you." I laid my head down with a bit of a smile. "At least I know one sister is." I quickly fell asleep shortly after with our work beginning tomorrow.

And that finishes this chapter. So Xenovia and Izuku will have mutual respect for the other, but that will be as far as their relationship will go. Next chapter will have Irina understand just how noble Izuku really is with the help of a certain someone. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

Nekomata DekuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant