Start from the beginning

"JUNGKOOK!!" Jax yelled getting on his feet and lightly slapping Jungkook's cheek. No response.

"JUNGKOOK FOR FUCKS SAKE WAKE UP!!" The door flew open and in stumbles Yoongi and Hoseok.

"What's going on?!" The orange haired male asked glancing from Jungkook to Jax and back.

"I- I came back into t-the room and he started rambling all-ll of this nonsense and then h-he started shaking a-and passed out." Yoongi just stood by the door eyes blown wide mouth fishing before something came over his eyes, he blurted out. "Get him to Teyun."

"We need to get him to Teyoon!!" Yoongi said, this time louder.

"Who??" Jax asked in panic not thinking properly.

"Teyun!!" The mint haired one said again.

"Wha-" Jax was still not getting it.

"THE WARLOCK DUDE YOU DUMBASS!!" Yoongi yelled one frustration pushing Jax off of the passed out boy and picking Jungkook up bridal style, for such a small guy he was sure strong.

"Jax open the doors for me." Jax just nodded feebly before scurrying out of the room and to the front door holding it open for Yoongi as he passed through. It was a good thing they chose an apartment on the thirteenth floor, the trip to the warlocks loft wouldn't be long.

So Yoongi ran.

Taking the stairs by three as he panted heavily, adjusting the passes out boy in his arms slightly.

The flights of stairs flew past in a blur the olders eyes not focusing on anything until he saw the door of the warlocks loft, and boy did he kick that door hard.

"TAEYAN!!" The mint haired male yelled, kicking the door again. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!"

"Yoongi calm down please." Hoseok's voice sounded from beside him.

"HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN THIS SHIT WONT OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" Yoongi snapped back, kicking the door again.

He was about to go for another kick when the door creeked open slightly, a mop of pink hair peeking through.

"What's going on?" The shapeshifter asked, confused from all of the loud banging and screaming, not noticing the boy in the olders arms yet.

"Jimin please you need to let us see Tayung, I don't know what's wrong with Jungkook." Yoongi pleases the small male, who had his eyes glued to the blue haired boy in the olders arms.

"TAE WE NEED HELP!" Jimin yelled into the loft, opening the door to let all three of them in, guiding them around the bookshelf and gestured for Yoongi to put the passed out boy on the couch.

"What's with all of the ruckus, Chim I told you not to-" the warlock's eyes landed on the blue haired male on his couch. "What happened." Taehyung's eyes went from a soft gray to a piercing silver as he marched his way over to the couch. He rolled up his sleeves and kneeled down, "he's breathing is shallow," the warlock checked for a pulse, "his pulse is dangerously slow," his eyes raked over the boy's body. "There are no external wounds," he mumbled, "what happened to him?" Eyes darting from Jax to Hoseok to Yoongi.

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