Stupid Thoughts

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It was a lazy morning and Jimin who has a class in 2 hours got up or snuggled out of Taehyung's embrace to get ready and make breakfast.

They were at Taehyung's place because Jimin suddenly decided to do a scary movie night which got them both in a lot of trouble because they kept screaming at every scene while yoongi was trying to sleep in his room.

At the end Yoongi won (obviously) and they had to switch to Angry Birds.

Jimin got out of the room after brushing his teeth and saw Yoongi at the gate grabbing his keys, the older immediately had a teasing smile on his face.

"Fun night?"

He asked with a grin and Jimin blushed realizing he only has Taehyung's hoodie on which reaches his mid-thigh making his boxers disappear.


Jimin whined loudly while pouting and Yoongi just laughed.

"Where are you going at nine in the morning"

Jimin asks while looking at the wall clock and then back at yoongi.

"Jin hyung called me for something. I don't know and then I have a brunch date with Hobi
So.. You guys can do whatever you wanna"

He says and winks at Jimin after the last line and Jimin just rolls his eyes and giggles with an obvious red tint.

"Don't worry I have a class at 11:30"

Jimin answers but yoongi just laughs more.

"That's a lot of time!"

He shouts before leaving and Jimin just sighs with a small chuckle and starts looking for what to make.
He goes inside the kitchen and looks for something to make, he finds a instant mix for chocolate chip cupcakes and goes for it, both of them being a sweet tooth helps in the situation.

After 20 minutes he finally is done and puts the muffins in the oven. He starts cutting some strawberries and mangoes for Taehyung as the younger loves both the fruits and has mentioned it several time.
Jimin smiles thinking about that one time when the younger couldn't stop singing a mango song after eating some.

But Jimin's thoughts get interrupted when the very familiar hands sneak their way around his small waist and Jimin clutches the fruit bowl for a second when the younger nuzzles his nose in Jimin's neck from behind where he is very ticklish.

"Good Morning Love"

Taehyung says while taking in Jimin's scent and nuzzling his face more inside older's neck while swaying them both lightly.

"Good Morning Baby"

Jimin says and feels taehyung smiling on his neck and he smiles too.

"What are you doing?"

Taehyung asks in a sleepy cute voice, even though he's freshen up, the morning is too lazy to even seem active.

"Made us some chocolate chip cupcakes and now I'm cutting fruits for you"

Jimin replies while putting a small piece of sliced strawberry in Taehyung's mouth who moans at the taste.


He says but of course, mischief is what comes to his mind.
He pulls his left hand out and Jimin pouts for a second but stops when Taehyung puts a piece of strawberry in his mouth but immediately after he pulls Jimin's face back kissing him deeply, caressing his tongue and the strawberry with his own, while the citrusy yet sweet juice gets mixed up with their salivas and Jimin grips the counter for support.
Taehyung pulls back.

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