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Its been a couple of days since Jimin's in the hospital and he has very minor stitches on his left leg.
Taehyung has been coming to the hospital every morning and evening but he never got the courage to go inside the room and talk to jimin.

It was the day when Jimin was getting discharged and Taehyung finally decided to talk to him and even took it upon himself to drive Jimin back home if he accepts his apology.

Taehyung was hesitant about going in. He was right in front of Jimin's room, but he didn't dare to knock.
Finally after hearing a soft chuckling voice coming from Jimin's room he decided to knock.

"Come in"

Jimin said from inside the room. Taehyung reluctantly opened the door and got inside and saw Jimin talking to someone on the phone.

He was in white hospital pyjamas and his messy purple hair made him look more cuter than usual.
It was when Jimin looked up with his eyes changing from crescent to normal and his smiling face turning into a frowning one, Taehyung came back into his senses.

"I'll call you back mom. Bye!




What do you want?"

Jimin said with obvious annoyance in his voice.

"I'm sorry Jimin"

"SORRY sorry or I want to fuck you later sorry?"

"I never..

Taehyung paused

SORRY sorry"

Jimin just scoffed. He was so pissed at younger's behavior that he didn't even wanna look at him.

"I really am.
And I realized the things I said to you that day were really disgusting. I didn't mean to objectify you like that"

"Then why did you?"

"I really wanted to kiss you.


I can't get your damn lips out of my head"

"As much flattered I am you can't just go around asking people that"

Jimin annoyance was slowly fading.

Very slowly but it was visible that he understood that maybe Taehyung genuinely is apologizing this time.

"I know and that's why... I want you to be my friend"

"Your friend?"


Jimin was a bit taken back by that. Its not like he didn't wanna be friends with him but he still wasn't sure about younger's perverted behavior.

He seemed sincere to him, cold but sincere when he first met him.
Then he kissed him and apologized but then he started making a deal with Jimin and now here he wants to leave all that behind and become friends.

"I know you can't trust me"

"You think?"

"But I am interested in you Jimin"


Jimin could laugh at that, interested. What does that even mean?

"I want to be friends with you so that

KISS IN THE DARK || Kth + Pjm ♥Where stories live. Discover now