Where I Feel Safe

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"No we're not having sex"

Jimin said while shuffling behind the counter in the kitchen separating himself from Taehyung.

"It really doesn't matter"

"What does that mean

it matters to me!"

It was the next day and they all came back to Hoseok and Jimin's apartment as nobody really wanted to go home, they just wanted to rest after a 5 hour long car ride.

But that wasn't the reason this discussion was happening. Jimin, because of getting drenched in water while having the makeout session with Taehyung got a fever as he didn't even change his clothes after that.

And now Taehyung is convincing him that it doesn't matter if he's sick because he finally got him.
He doesn't wanna wait for 3 days until the fever is gone.
Ergo the discussion.

"I don't care if you're sick Bub"


its our first time..

I don't wanna do it when I'm sick!

Its supposed to be special"

Jimin said, being embarrassed after saying the last line.

"Hyung I really don't think we should be hearing all this"

Jungkook said grinning but he still was a little serious , because, as it wasn't mentioned before but everyone was hearing this awkward discussion, and hobi was even in the kitchen re-heating food.

"Don't listen to the kid.

this is fun"

Yoongi said followed by Jin

"Ya... please continue"

Taehyung immediately turned his face towards the couch and glared back at them still standing in front of kitchen because they weren't helping his case.

"Aren't you two the oldest?"

Taehyung said with sass in his voice but he was still glaring.

"And what about it?"

Seokjin said chuckling with an expression which said "you wanna fight young man?" and everyone knew who would've won that.

He just shook his head, he can never win against his hyungs. He looked back in front sighing when he saw Jimin taking a medicine.


I'll wait till you're okay"

Taehyung said in a very sad voice realizing he should respect that if Jimin isn't ready for it there's no reason to push. Even if the reason is as stupid as being sick.

"Gave up too easy"

Yoongi snickered teasing the younger which got him a glare from Hoseok this time and Jungkook laughed when he saw Yoongi shutup immediately.

Seokjin started speaking again..

"If you do wanna have sex when you're sick you can..

Joon and I~"

He was about to complete his sentence when Namjoon shouted a 'No'

"I'm just saying they can~"

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