Alcohol and Jealously

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It was Friday and Jin's birthday, Jimin was in his room getting ready when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in"

He started wearing his rings when Taehyung came inside.

"Bub you're not ready ye~

Oh my god why are your clothes so revealing?"

Taehyung said when he saw Jimin wearing a very transparent white shirt, paired with white shorts and black belt and accessories.

"What does that mean?

What's revealing in this?

Jimin said confused, motioning his hands towards his clothes.

"You know its a party Jin Hyung is hosting.

There'll be girls and guys who'll be mentally undressing you!"

Taehyung said while grabbing Jimin's shirt's collar trying to close it to which Jimin gave an eye roll but chuckled.

"It's a barbecue party by the pool Taehyung and
I'm not even going in the pool.

You are going in the pool but I didn't say anything.. Did I?"

Jimin countered with him immediately regretting it as Taehyung leaned closer to his ear, hands still on his collar talking in a whisper.

"You know all you have to do is say!"

Jimin's face immediately got hot and red, he started fidgeting his finger but then Taehyung suddenly straightened up and said.

"Besides I only have eyes for one!"

Taehyung said and slowly let his right hand get closer to Jimin's face and then rubbing his thumb over his cheek, amusing himself while seeing the older's reaction to his touch.

He was more than happy that he has that effect on him. It meant more progress.

After 10 minutes they finally got out, locking the apartment and sitting inside Jimin's car because Taehyung was gonna come back anyway.

But still Taehyung decided to drive because Jin's apartment was still new and Jimin wasn't that great with directions.

"We have to pick Jungkook too.

Namjoonie hyung's already at Jin hyung's so he'll be left alone"

Taehyung informed and Jimin nodded but suddenly a question came to his mind.

"Also.. Why are you picking me up?

I could've managed alone"

"You haven't been in Jin hyung's new apartment more than once.

And I love picking you up Bub"

Taehyung said in a casual tone, as if it wasn't one of the cutest thing. A small smile came onto Jimin's face but soon left. He still isn't use to this nickname.
It always makes his insides shake.


They all gave their gifts to Jin and nobody wanted to know what Joon gifted Jin "last night".

After an hour of just the seven of them together people actually started to come in and Taehyung rolled his eyes to which Jimin chuckled.

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