The Outbreak. Jungkook X Reader (18+)

Start from the beginning

I felt Jungkook looking at me from his room. I pulled my book down a little to face him.
-Would you like me to help you unpack?
-If you want to...

I got up from my bed once again and waddled my way to his room. I helped him by hanging up and properly folding his clothes. We enjoyed talking together as we worked to make his room neat and organized.
-(Y/n), you told me you had a part time job...What is it? He asked.
-Hmm, I work at a gas station, it's nothing glamorous really but, it's a good part-time job for a full-time student, I answered.
-Do you work night shifts?
-Hmm, well sometimes, but mostly weekends and evenings on the week days.
- Isn't it dangerous to work alone at night?
-My parents don't really like it when I walk home alone, back from work around 4 am.
-That's understandable, aren't you afraid?
-I've gotten used to it, anyways, I like walking at night. I mean, I have my drivers licence but I don't have a car. Sometimes it's refreshing to just walk, it's only about fifteen minutes away anyways. What about you, where did you work?
-I used to be a singer in a group...Technically, I still am. I also did like editing on my free time.
-Yeah, pictures and videos and even short films. I loved photography growing up. That's one of the things I'll never get bored of, he said.
-Oh, actually, I wasn't sure if you spoke English so I left you my favorite photography books. I'm a big fan of these artists, well, photographers.
- Yeah, I saw that, I started looking at them earlier, he chuckled.
-Hey, did you have anything in mind for dinner? Is there anything you don't like to eat?
-Hmm, well, I'm not a picky eater. Do you think we should make dinner for your parents when they come home?
-That would be a nice surprise! Are you sure you don't want to rest a little, I mean, you've traveled like 20 hours...
-It's fine, I'm used to it, I'll just go to bed at a normal time so I can be less jet lagged tomorrow.
-Alright, let's make dinner then, I giggled.

We cooked some nice oven baked potatoes and some steak on the grill. We enjoyed the last bits of sunshine that lit up the sky and sat by the barbecue on the balcony. We were comfortable wearing hoodies outside, winter was really leaving until next time. The birds were starting to come back from the south. They soared through the orange and pink dusk of sky. I saw Jungkook, wearing an oversized black hoodie, some jogging pants and some slides, grilling the meat. It was fun, I put some music on my wireless speaker to make the moment softer and sweeter. As we finished placing the table, we heard the front door open. I told Jungkook to join me in front so he could meet my parents.
-Hi dad, hi Jenna, how was work? I asked.
-Oh, kinda, just the same as always, stressful and boring, answered Jenna.
-So, here's our new resident, this is Jungkook, Jungkook, this is my dad, Daniel and my awesome stepmom Jenna, I introduced everyone so casually.
-Nice to meet you, thank you so much sir, Jungkook shook my dad's hand.
-Well you're more than welcome here, Jungkook, I hope you'll make this home yours, said Jenna.
-Thank you so much ma'am, he said.
-Oh, boy, please call us Jenna and Daniel, my dad laughed. (Y/n), did you cook dinner?
-Well, Jungkook helped a lot, we made grilled steak and potatoes, I said happily.

We all sat down and had dinner. It ended up being quite delicious. I felt so full and later excused myself so I could go take a shower.

The steaming water felt so nice, it just ran down my back. « Wow, I could really get used to this...» I thought to myself. I was enjoying this so much, having such a nice person in my house. It would be a great excuse to learn a new language too. That was one of my passions, I loved learning and discovering other cultures, specifically languages. I got out of the bathroom in my pjs and walked passed Jungkook's room. His door was opened and I could see him working on his laptop, sitting in the chair by his desk. I was trying to deliberate if I should talk to him or let him be...
-(Y/n), he called out.
-Yes? I jumped a little in surprise.
-Wanna have a look at this?

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