Chapter Eighteen~ Too cold -

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He was dragging me across the room. My heels digging into the ground. I looked over to see Liam looking at me sympathetically. Niall was in front of me, his hands on my face, trying to calm me and stop my frantic shreiks. Louis had opened my bedroom door for Zayn to pull me through. 

Tears were streaming down my face. "NO! HARRY! PLEASE!" I cried for him.

He was like my brother, they all were. And it killed me knowing he could be out there hurt and alone. 

Niall looked up at Louis frantically trying to calm me, "Shh Emmy, shh he's fine. He'll come back. Shh. It's okay. It's okay." 

Zayn managed to get me through my door and he wrestled me onto the bed. 

All the boys were in here now... well all except for one.

Louis came over my head and sat down, stroking my cheek.

"Emily, he'll come home. I promise. He probably just needed to clear his head."  He told me softly.

"No!" I sobbed, "Lou please! Do something!" 

His eyes saddened as he gazed into my tear filled eyes, "He'll be fine."

"No! Lou! Please! He's your best friend! What if he's hurt?! You have to help him!" I begged.

He sighed. Zayn was still straddling my hips. Liam's hands gently keeping my shoulders down. Niall gripping my wrists firmly. All of them keeping me from moving. 

Why were they being like this?! I just wanted to go find Harry! i mean i was obviously still upset about everything, but he was part of our family and no matter how upset i was, his safety came before that. That went for all of the guys. 

Louis gently stroked back a strand of my hair. "He's fine Em." 

"Why won't you help him?!" I cried.

"He doesn't want my help Em." He sighed.

I kept on crying. Why wouldn't they do anything?! Eventually, the boys released me, but Louis layed down and held me against his chest as i sobbed into him. I felt someone pulls my boots of my feet and toss a blanket over us. I didn't care. I just wanted Harry to come home.  


After a while, Louis fell asleep holding me. His grip slackened and i held my breath, trying to be quiet as i slipped out of his arms. His breaths were slow and even. I tip-toed across my floor, thankful whoever had taken off my shoes, had left them in here. 

I hadn't given up on leaving to find Harry. Of course i hadn't.

I walked over to my window and pushed it open, praying it wouldn't make noise. Thankfully, luck was on my side, and it opened quietly.

I took a glance back at Louis as i hoisted myself on the windowsill. He was still sound asleep. 

I looked down at the drop and gulped. Looking around for something to help me down. Damn it, now being freaken Repunzel would have come in handy. I sighed and smirked in victory as i saw emergency bars off to the side of the window. 

Nervously i tossed myself from the window and onto one of the bars. I started laughing in relief as i gripped it tightly. 

I rushed down the stair like bars, wanting to get to the ground. The cold air was rippling threw me, chilling me to the bone. It went threw my sweatshirt as if i were naked. I shivered and shook off the feeling. 

I sighed in relief when my feet hit solid ground. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep in my body heat. 

I began walking threw the dark street, calling Harry's name hopelessly. No one responded. I wondered around the empty streets for what felt like hours, freezing. I started to regret leaving, but then shook of that thought as i remember Harry was out here somewhere. 

Just when i thought things couldn't get worse, the wind picked up, and it started pouring. Like literally raining cats and dogs, what great timing, please note the sarcasm. This is so cliche i thought to myself bitterly.

I was shaking to the bone, the cold consuming me. I screamed Harrys name, begging him to come home. But he didn't answer. 

I started swaying on my feet, feeling lightheaded.

No! I couldn't pass out now. I willed my eyes open and pushed my feet forward. 

But it was too cold, i couldn't force my frozen limbs to move. 

I could see my breathe in the air, i could smell the cold. My vision started getting blurry, black spots danced before my eyes. 

I started falling to the ground, but someone's arms caught me. My eyes were shutting. 

"Emily?!" Someone cried out.

I glanced up at them, trying to see who it was through my drooping lids.

"Stay with me angel! Come on keep your eyes open!" They begged. 

I couldn't. I wanted to so badly. But i lost the war. 

The last thing i saw was green, green eyes staring into my own, and then, it all went black. 

Adopted... by THEM?! (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ