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Jungkook's POV

I saw her lips spread out in a smile. "Okay, that sounds fun." We got up and left. The air was nice and the sky was clear today. The weather was perfect. I wasn't going to mess this time up. We got in my car and I drove to the Times Square mall. Yes, there is a mall in Korea named after Times Square.

Her eyes lit up when we pulled up to it. "You ready?" I asked her. She replied with a happy "Yes". I was about to get out but then I remembered I was a K-pop star. She looked at me instantly as if she remembered too. "I can take off the bucket hat and you can wear it-" "No." I cut her off. "You keep it. I don't want them to come for you and attack you." I told her.

She agreed and I handed her a mask. "Here, put this on." She grabbed it and put it on as I told her. I grabbed another one from my glove compartment and put it on.

"Why do you keep all these extra things in your car?" She questioned me. "Because I have to be prepared."

What do I do to cover the rest of my face? Hopefully, there's another bucket hat in the back of my car. I got out and opened the door to the back seat and I searched under the seat on the left. No luck. I checked the one on the right and found one. It was big too so thank the lord.

I put it on and we both got out. I grabbed her hand and I could tell she was burning up when I looked at her face. "Let me show you how it'd be if you were my girlfriend."  "I suppose I should act like a girlfriend too, shouldn't I?" She played along. 

I observed the premises as we walked into the large mall. It'd be hard to walk in here with our heads down the whole time but it's worth a shot.

"Where you wanna head to first?" I asked her. "I don't know but let's start on the third level." She replied. We took the escalator on the way to the third-floor.

"So if you were my girlfriend, would we do this regularly?" I said making a move.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Good. I want to see your face all the time. I don't like it when you're mad at me, Nia. Being apart from you physically hurts." I stated cheesily.

She rolled her eyes in response. Oh shoot. What did I do?

"Sorry honey, but I gotta get real with you on this one. I already knew but I liked you so much that I tried to disregard the fact that you had a girlfriend. The second time we met, I literally let you know that I had gotten my heart broken many times and it's like even though you knew that, you just wanted to feel the euphoria and didn't care that everything might clash into each other." she let me know.

Her eyes locked with mine under my hat. "You're right. I'm honestly stupid. I should've just taken care of Hye-rin a long time ago."

"Mhm." She hummed. She's on a whole nother level and It's hard to find people like that these days. I just love how she keeps it real with me, flirts with me, and more.

I tightened my grip on her small hand. "I love- I mean like you so much."

She giggled and we made it to the third floor.

One store caught her eye instantly and she ran to it. It had a huge chandelier with black marble walls. "It's so pretty!" She exclaimed with her mouth nearly salivating at it's look. We ran....once again hand in hand.... In the store. There were many racks with many high fashion clothes on them. For guys and girls. She picked up many jeans and cargo pants and a few crop tops. Her style is so cute and very trendy.

I walked around the store and saw some things I liked as well. I spotted the large, black cargo pants that I wear as well, with the long skater shirts and.......bucket hats!!! My baby! At this point, I'm a bucket hat hoarder.

After finding everything that I wanted and checking out, I went back over to Nia who was eyeing a dress. It looked like a very familiar dress that I've seen before. Ah, it was the dress that was in my dream. Man, did she look good in it too.

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