Jackal x Reader- Jealousy {AU}

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Hey guys! So this is going to be a little more modern, as in not part of the Fairy Tail story line. So I hope you enjoy!
And (f/f)- Favorite Flowers.

"Tell me, (y/n). Why are you always with Mard Geer when I come around?" Jackal asked about of no where when I came home from work.

"I work for the guy Jackal, is it wrong for me to be around him?"

"Of course it is!" he ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. "Listen, I just don't like the fact that when I go to get you for lunch, your receptionist says you're at lunch with him, or when I come to pick you up and he's offered to give you a ride already."

"Alright, but how many times have I accepted a ride from him? None. And how many times have I told you about me eating lunch with him, but you never checked your messages? At least a dozen. Jackal, if we want this relationship to last you need to trust me more." This was the third fight we had over Mard Geer since I started that job at Tartarus Incorporated. He just wasn't a fan and took his jealous rage out on me.

"I do trust you (y/n), I just don't trust him." Jackal groaned and sat on the couch. I waited for more but when he turned on the television I grabbed my coat and walked out.

We had been together for three years and I haven't even looked at another man the way I look at him. I hang out with one man and the world falls apart, but he's always surrounded by different women and I don't say anything because I trust him. "It's just too much." I mumbled to myself and sat on a bench in the park that over looked the frozen pond. In this moment, I was reminded of how we first met. We were both freshman in high school and met at park somewhat similar to this one.

"Where would they have put it?" I asked myself as I looked around a few bushes. My friends thought it would be funny to hide my bag in the park, not realizing that I had a super important essay due the next day. After I determined it wasn't in the bushes I ran around and searched the trees this time. "Finally!" I sighed in relief and ran towards the blue bag hanging from a tree branch. however when I got there I noticed the height difference between me and the branch.

"Dammit, I'd need two of me to reach it." I sighed and continued to just stare at the hanging backpack above me.

"Um, you need help?" Someone called from behind me. I jumped a bit and turned around to see a boy with blonde hair and golden eyes walking towards me. I was so busy admiring his appearance I didn't realize that he was standing directly in front of me. "Hello. Anybody home?" I blushed a dark shade of red and turned around, pointing to the tree.

"Y-yes. I need my bag out of that tree, do you think you could help?" He laughed and nodded as he made his way under the bag. He got on his tip-toes and reached it enough to knock it off and catch it.

"Here ya are." I nodded and thanked him as I grabbed the bag and flung it over my shoulder. "So, how'd you get your bag stuck in that tree anyway?" I sighed and explained the story to him. That conversation sparked one about all the pranks our friends have pulled on us and escalated to dreams and future plans. That day at the park was the best I had ever had and that essay was long forgotten.

The whole reason we moved to this apartment was because this park reminded us of the other one. The one we shared our first kiss in, where we confessed to each other, and where we decided to leave our old lives behind and start a new one together.

"And maybe it's where we decide to end it too." I sighed and leaned my head back. I don't want to leave Jackal, but I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me enough to even go to work. I sat on the bench for what was probably two hours, alone and cold. Deciding to go back to the apartment and talk to Jackal, I get up and drag my feet along the frosty path. My breath comes out and swirls in the air before it dissapears and the wind brushes my (h/c) hair out of my face and stings my cheeks.

When I reach the apartment the door's locked and the spare key we hide in the planter is gone. "Great." I turned around and headed down the street towards my favorite bakery. Luckily they stayed open late so I chose a nice table by the window and ordered a hot chocolate and brownie.

Jackal's P.O.V

The second I heard the door closed I knew (Y/n) was pissed. Knowing I messed up, I got up and headed out the door towards the flower shop and looked around. "What was her favorite flower again?" I asked myself as I walked up and down the isles, looking over the diferent name tags.

"Jackal look at these!" I heard (Y/n) call from behind me. I turned around and she had her nose in a pile of flowers taking a deep breath. She motioned me over and excitedly held up flowers which I happily smelled.

"What's the big deal? They're just flowers." She rolled her eyes and giggled as the petals tickled her nose.

"These aren't just any flowers Jackal, they're (f/f)." I raised my eyebrows, still not understanding where she was going. "They're my favorite, duh." I nodded and watched as the girl before me sniffed happily at her flowers.

When I came across the right flowers I didn't hesitate to buy them. I knew exactly where she'd be so all I needed to do was get chocolate and then head to the park. However, the line at the chocolate shop was incredibly long.

"It seems like every guy in town pissed their girlfriend off." I mumbled as I stood in line. "Finally." When I got to the counter I ordered the fudge and of course disaster struck.

"I'm sorry, but we're still making the fudge. Would you want to order something else or would you like to wait?" I thought it over and knowing how bad I messed up I decided to wait for her fudge.

Finally I had the fudge and ran out of the shop full of sulking guys in the same position of me towards the park. When I got to the gates I looked around for her favorite spot by the lake. When I got there she wasn't there so I continued to search the whole park.

"Damn I screwed up." I sighed and took a seat on a bench once I realized she wasn't here. Accepting defeat I got up and headed back to the apartment, hoping she had gotten out of the cold.

As I was walking back to our place I got a feeling telling me to look to my right and sure enough I saw my girlfriend's (h/c) hair as she sipped on her drink. I smiled and ran in straight towards her table.

"Jackal?" She asked shocked as I stood in front of her. "W-what are you doing here?"

"(Y/n), I've been looking for you for an hour and I bought you these,"I paused and held up the gifts handing them to her. "just so I could apologize. I shouldn't get so jealous and I'm sorry. You're the most important person in my life and I can't lose you over some stupid thing that I can't control. Please (y/n), forgive me." I stood there, face turning red at the fact that I spoke those words out loud.

She sat there silently and I took the seat across from her as she stared down at the flowers. After what felt like an eternity she finally broke the silence. "You got (f/f)."

"Well yeah they're your favorites. Didn't you hear wha-"

"You remembered.." She smiled to herself and laughed as a tear fell down her cheek. "Yes Jackal, I forgive you." I sighed in relief and grabbed her hand before paying for her food and taking her home. She smiled the whole way, hugging the flowers close and eyeing the chocolate.

Once we were inside she placed the flowers in a vase and I served up the fudge as I sat on the couch and started a movie. "I love you Jackal." She smiled as she cuddled into my side. I kissed her forehead and brought her in closer, enjoying the warmth.

"I love you too, (y/n)."

Hey guys! So I hope this was good. It was the best out of the other two I had, but if it wasn't I'm sorry. Thank you for reading and I love you all my lovely Duckies.

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