That look he used to give you. A tiny voice in my head whispers.

When the fresh air hits my face, I breathe a sigh of relief and lean further into Roman. Together we walk towards our apartment building. We met each other when I first moved to the city into the apartment across from him. He offered to help me move in, and the rest is history.

Roman keeps a protective arm around me as we walk through the city. We live in a fairly nice part of town, due to my university covering my living costs while I played hockey for them. Now, my salary as a professional hockey player will support me.

"Are you okay? You seem off." Roman states as we turn onto our street.

I sigh and decide to be honest with him. He, after all, has always been understanding and loving to me. "I saw my ex-boyfriend across the club." My voice comes out as a tiny whisper.

Roman's grip on me tightens. "You mean..."

He is referencing when Nolan cheated on me right before I went off to the academy. "Yes, that one."

"I'm sorry, baby, I know how hard seeing him must have been for you. I wish I could do something for you."

I pull us to a stop right outside our building. "It's in my past, all I can do is move on and continue my life." I smile up at his handsome face. "Which, by the way, I am enjoying immensely."

He puts a hand on my cheek and caresses it with his thumb. I close my eyes and lean into his calloused hand. The toughness of his skin sends tingles through my soft cheek, and I can't help the soft smile that fights its way onto my face.

When I open my eyes I place my lips lightly on Roman's. At first, he reciprocates the gentle kiss while placing an arm around my back. Then as I open my mouth, he wraps a hand around my hair and tugs roughly.

I moan and in return dig a hand into his thick, dark hair. I run my hand through it until I reach the ends where I give a little tug, earning a moan from him.

I slowly pull away and lay my forehead against his. "God, I love you so much Roman."

"I love you too, beautiful," He whispers back. "If Nolan ever, and I mean ever, gives you trouble, I'll always be happy to fuck him up if you want me to."

I smile and peck his lips. "I dibs first punch!"


The next morning I wake up early, ready to start the day and go for breakfast with one of my friends from the academy, Sydney.

I take a quick shower before throwing my hair up into a high ponytail. I apply makeup, but not nearly as much as I used to in high school. I change into some simple black jeans, a black top and a grey cardigan.

I stroll into the kitchen and find my grey tabby cat, Luna, lazily waiting for me to fill up her food dish. As always, I feed her first before making myself a smoothie.

I got Luna a couple of weeks after I moved because I thought she could help with my unbearable sadness. I missed my hockey team and, most of all, I had missed Nolan.

"No Kaelin, stop thinking about him." I mutter under my breath while cutting up strawberries to add to my smoothie. I add banana, yogurt, milk and ice before pressing blend.

Luna immediately hisses and races off towards my bedroom, presumably to hide under the bed until the blender noise halts. I smile at her retreating figure. Not once have I regretted adopting her, she has helped me through a lot.

Once I'm finished with my smoothie, I grab my purse and keys before heading out the door. I smile at Roman's door as I leave, knowing that he has probably already left for the gym and will not be back until later tonight.

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