Part 17 ( BINGO )

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Monica was busy with the stacked papers on her desk from other issues that she had neglected for a long time, forcing herself to work on it throughout the morning. Feeling tired, she decided to make coffee to get back to work with more focus. She took her cellphone and went to the coffee corner and while preparing it, she decided to send a text message to Chandler.

" Good morning sweetie, I hope you are having a good day already. miss you "

She put the phone aside and finished making coffee. After a while, her phone rang, Monica picked up the phone and then smiled and answered the call.

Monica : Hey you.
Chandler : Miss me already ha?
Monica : Yeah, how is your day so far?
Chandler : Just finished a meeting then i have some paperwork, no big deal. You?
Monica : Ugh, where do i start! There's tons of paperwork for me too, some unfinished cases that i kept for later as i was busy with the Tribbiani case.

Chandler was silent for a while, as if he was thinking.

Chandler : It's good to give your mind a break sometimes. Do the paperwork, that will help.
Monica : yeah Chandler but i feel like i'm not making any progress in that case. Whenever i feel like i'm one step ahead, something happen and i go back to the start.
Chandler : Maybe you need to give this case to someone else.
Monica : Are you kidding m-

Monica did not complete her sentence as Gunther ran toward her, breathing hard and carrying in his hands a bunch of papers. Monica held her phone close to her ear as she was looking to Gunther with amazement.

 Monica held her phone close to her ear as she was looking to Gunther with amazement

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Gunther : Y-You need to see this.

Gunther handed her the papers then Monica started to read them, while Chandler was listening from the other side with a clear focus.

Gunther : There is a ship coming next month to New York, a big one. I'm not sure yet if Joey Tribbiani is going to be involved but some source said that he will be.
Monica : Where did you get this?
Gunther : Frank from department C, he got the case of the port and he knew from people there that a big ship is coming soon and there is a man paying people there to do what he wants with the illegal ships.
Monica : That can't be Joey, it would be to obvious.
Gunther : Exactly.
Monica : We need to investigate more.

Chandler felt the blood freezing in his veins hearing what he have just heard, Monica is now not looking for Joey as much as she is looking for the other man, Chandler Bing himself.

Monica gave the papers back to Gunther, and Gunther turned to leave and find an empty office to search for some information, while Monica put the phone back on her ear.

Monica : Chandler are you there?
Chandler : Yes.
Monica : I'm sorry things just got heated up so i gotta go.
Monica : It's okay. Break a leg.
Chandler : Thank you, you too, see you later.

Monica ended the call and then went to where Gunther was sitting in front of the computer screen looking for data. She closed the door behind her and looked long at Gunther while thoughts kept coming crowded in her head. She looked a little confused.

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