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"Really? Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Come on, if he doesn't get butterflies in his stomach after this, he's a bitch that has no feelings." She straightened my tie for me. "Or you both could get some closure."

Nice, her reassurance definitely helped.

I can't even describe how ridiculous the plan is. And to think that I was going along with it! My brain must have had a wire fried somewhere for me to say 'yes' to her.

Vanessa gave me a hard slap to the arm and a flick to the forehead. This girl is acting like she has known me since we were kids, when it's only been 2 weeks.

"Get yourself up there and make it grand," she pushed my back as I made my appearance in front of the crowd.

My palms were going all sweaty from nervousness but there was definitely no turning back now. 

I did it once, I guess I can do it again.

——— 2 hours earlier ——-


"I really don't want to go," I pleaded with her, even though I was all dressed up to the nines.

"Nah-ah, I'm dragging you out of the house whether you like it or not." Vanessa linked arms with me and pulled me forward, making me walk faster on the sidewalk than I wanted.

The amount of enthusiasm for the event can be heard in the way I was dragging my feet. The shoes were practically making track marks on the concrete ground. Vanessa, on the other hand, was so excited for the masquerade that even her fingernails were dancing.

Yes, I know what you're thinking. Masquerade? If you have any questions you may ask Vanessa. I have zero knowledge on how and why. I'm raising my hands in surrender.

She said it might be a good way for me to meet someone knew and finally get over Nathan. To me, it's just a waste of time.

Even though our engagement contract was long over, I'm not in the mood to be out hunting for my next date. I don't think I will be for awhile.

"We're here!" she squealed in excitement and I swear, my eardrums nearly exploded.

"Here! Put on your mask!" she handed me one that covered half my face. It had some intricate silver and gold detailing on a black base. To be honest, it looked elegant and cool, in complete contrast to how I was feeling right now.

My amour was put on and secured. Time to make sure that I survive the next few hours.

The ballroom was very grand. I'm talking marbled floors, gigantic chandeliers and long rectangular granite table tops filled with food. There was a mini orchestra playing classical music in the back and waiters walking around asking guests if they wanted champagne.

The whole placed felt too luxurious even for my arm hairs to be in here that I'm starting to question where she even got the tickets from. This place definitely screams elite, and we are no where near that category.

"Cover your mouth before you get flies inside them," she commented as she pushed my jaws up. "Get in there and do your thing. You might even hitch a hot date tonight."

I looked around the ballroom. There were many people, all decked out in their best outfits. Made mine seem a little shabby.

Little reminder to myself: straighten out my blazer, chin up, head up. Even if I didn't feel like it, I had to at least act like I was part of the place.

The night went by as I watched people mingle and talk. It was a social event, meant for one to get to know more people but through anonymity. Apparently, we could take off our masks at 12 midnight, if we wanted to, to find out who everyone is.

Not that I was really interested.

I downed the contents in my glass before passing it back to the waiter. My eyes searched the room for my supposed date, but she was no where in sight.

It's getting boring here and I really want to go home.

I reached for my back pocket and took out my phone. I was about to punch in the numbers before the music stopped.

"Hey," said a man that was up on stage, attracting all the attention.

"Sorry to disturb your evening, ladies and gentlemen but I have something important to say." Wait, that voice.

"I actually prepared an entire speech but I think that would be pointless. So I'm just going to say it out-right.

Alex, I know you're here. Listen to me."

Oh my god. Nathan.

"I'm not sure if you're going to forgive me for not texting or calling once ever since that day. I didn't how else to react, since I thought I was only matter of time before you left. Before I was alone.

That was always how I felt about people coming and going in my life, but with you, I was wrong. Very wrong. And I have been living in regret ever since."

It's like the entire world came to a stand-still. The room was so silent, you could hear the movements of people shifting uncomfortably where they were standing. There were a thousand and one eyes fixated onto the man that I have missed with every inch of my soul.

"I- god," he smiled, nervously. You could see his eyes searching the room for me under the mask.

"I can be prepared for anything in the world but when it comes to you, all logic flies out of the window. I love that you are unapologetically straight-forward, even if you are a little harsh at times. I love that even though I can be such a prick, you can still remember how I like my coffee.

I love the way your eyes light up when you talk about children. I love that you can be shy yet outspoken. Even when I was at my most vulnerable, you accepted me as a whole and stuck with me through all my intolerable behavior.

There's so much more I could say, but nothing matters if you're not here.

Alex, I love you."

My heart swelled and it felt like it was about to explode at his confession. Tears were threatening to flow out of my eyes. A big, wide, idiotic smile formed on my face.

I basically looked like some basic girl that was head over heels.

The whispers in the room became murmurs, everyone trying to figure out who the person he was talking to was. It didn't take them long to find out that the lone boy standing at the back of the room was the one they were looking for.

In all movie-drama fashion, a light shined down onto me. As if I wasn't attracting enough attention.

Nathan's eyes followed the light. Eventually, his found mine.

"I don't think my life would ever changed if I had not met you and I'm not letting you slip by me a second time."

He held up a stack of papers and showed it to me.

"Our paths may have started out on the wrong track, but we can both alight at the same station," he said with a smirk.

"What do you say, we renew the engagement? But this time, it's permanent."

(1202 words)

A/N: And that's it folks! I have finally, finally had time to finish up their story! And I think, it was very fitting. If you followed the story from the beginning, you would know what in the world Nathan was actually talking about 😛

Thank you everyone who has been here since the start! I appreciate every single comment given. I think, I myself have also grown a little. Learning how to stand in someone else's shoes and looking at things from many different angles.

It's been a great journey, hopefully you will join me on the next one!

See you all very soon!

💕, missdreamx

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