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Putting on something nice to wear has been a struggle for the Alex for the past few months. He did not have the luxury of his full closet like he did back home and he wasn't able to bring his truck-load of clothes over.

Alex still tensed at the thought of being out in public with him even though he has gotten used to the stares. It was the unpredictability of the news that he was afraid of. He didn't like his name to be in the headlines or all over social media but that's what he signed up for. The unwanted side effects.

He mentally cursed himself for being so aware of how other people looked at him. He hated that people were still unforgiving with their nasty comments, especially those that were made behind the screen. He had learnt to ignore it but it would still get to him every once in a while.

His mind wandered off to Nathan. The person that he thought was a prick turned out to be someone who was hiding in a shell. He found out after the first few weeks of staying in his house. It helped that Aunty May mentioned Nathan was someone who needed a lot of work. Alex couldn't agree more with that statement.

He smiled as he remembered that a person like him did have his good points. He remembered how Nathan would out his phone away when having meals together and how he would listen to him talk, being interested in the conversation. Nathan also had some weird eating habits that he found rather amusing.

Alex remembered how he quietly observed Nathan during the times when they were sitting close enough to each other. He was absolutely charming. When Nathan smiled, it could actually light up the whole room. It probably was his smile that stole Alex's heart. Not that he will ever admit it.

If only he wasn't so closed-off.

His sharp mouth probably caused him more trouble than Alex gave him credit for. He always wondered why Nathan was so guarded and had tried on many occasions to ask but was met with closed doors. Prying into other people's business wasn't very nice especially if this relationship had a time limit, but Alex's curiosity meter was overflowing.

Maybe if the chance arises, Alex could ask more about Nathan's past tonight.

As the young one rummaged through his closet for something to wear, the older one was doing the same. He was jumpy, being unable to decide what was best suited for the occasion.

Both wanted to impress each other, though there wasn't really a need to.

Nathan hardly put in this much effort to get to know someone. Bringing someone out for a date and engaging in small-talks was something he had never done. In fact, he never saw the need to. He was so closed off that it caused him many failed human relationships. His psychologist said that the his childhood was to blame, and it may take a lifetime for him to open up again. He knew all too well that she was the reason.

He looked into the standing mirror and sighed heavily. Beyond the pieces of cloth that acted as his armour were the scars that were left behind by his mum. He ran his fingers over one of them that went almost halfway across his chest. He flinched instinctively in pain as he recalled how it was caused by a broken beer during one of her rampages.

Nathan wondered what would happen if Alex found out? Would he be deemed as someone too much to handle, just like how he was condemn of being a burden many years ago?

He thought back on how his curiosity has led the both of them up to this point. He couldn't understand the inexplainable pull that he had towards Alex when he first saw him in person. He remembered thinking that this boy was attractive, and everything seem to fall into place. He wanted to get to know the boy, and over time he did.

The boy withstood all his weird antics and requests. Any sane person would be flying out the door within three days, but not Alex. He stayed, and it made Nathan want to try harder, even if he had no idea where to start.

Both have finally decided what to wear for the night and the time to head out was drawing close. One could almost hear their heartbeats pounding through the silence of the house. Both were very nervous for many reasons as they both hoped that they could finally move forward.

Closet doors were closed, keys were grabbed and hair was checked. It was time to go and both stepped out of their rooms.

Maybe something might change tonight.


(798 words)

A/N: Sorry for the slow update, but this girl here as been stuck at home, feeling a little under the weather.

And I was kind of nit-picking the next few chapters. To be honest, this chapter didn't exist until yesterday but I don't know. It felt wrong not have some sort of insight at this juncture so I'm going to go with my guts and post this part.

What did you think of this part? I attempted writing it as if you could see what was running through their minds. Do let me know how it went for you!

See you all in the next part!

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