1. Jealousy

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*Trigger warning: This story depicts sexual assault.*

It all started 2 months ago when Damien's father forced him to marry Sarah. Damien didn't like anything about her. He wouldn't look at her twice if he saw her in public. Damien was used to dating curvy, voluptuous women and this frail-looking woman was the last person he would choose as a wife.

But that didn't matter to his father. Oh no. He practically shoved her down his throat. He introduced her to him at a business party. She wore a blue floor-length gown that hung loosely on her body.

"Damien, this is Sarah Williams, Matthew William's daughter," his father said.

"Hi," Sarah said and looked down shyly.

Damien looked at her intently. Asides from her big green eyes, nothing was interesting about her look. She was skinny and had pale skin.

"You and Sarah are to be engaged," his father stated decisively.

"Excuse me? I don't think so," Damien said.

His father pulled him aside. "Do not mess this up for me son! You are going to marry her and that's final. Sarah's father owns a large share of our company and this union will benefit both of us."

"And if I don't?" Damien raised his eyebrows.

"Then you will be disinherited from everything," his father said.

"THAT IS NOT FAIR!" Damien roared. "You know damn well I am in love with Anne Lynn. How could you do this to me?"

"Forget about that Anne. She doesn't benefit us. You belong to Sarah now," his father said harshly.

Damien stormed out of there in a fit of rage. He knew he had no power over his father, in the end, he always won.

So they had a wedding ceremony by the lake. Everything was beautiful and perfect. Damien stood at the altar with a dark shadow in his face. "I will never love you," he thought as he saw Sarah walk down the aisle towards him.

Things were different for Sarah. It was love at first sight for her. She was happy. Damien will finally be hers. She has always admired him. To her, he was the most beautiful man with his boyish smirk, sharp jaws, muscular body, and cool grey eyes. But the thing she loved the most about him was his strong presence. People looked at him with admiration when he walked into a room. She picked out a beautiful wedding dress and decorated her hair with white Lilies. She wanted to look perfect for him. She knew she wasn't the most beautiful woman but she wanted to look like she deserved to be his bride.

Her hopes of happiness crushed when she saw his face when he looked at her. The look of contempt in his face showed her that she meant nothing to him.

On their wedding night, he tried to leave her alone in the hotel room but she grabbed his wrist.

"Don't leave," she pleaded.

"Let go of me, I need to go see Anne, my real girlfriend. I am not wasting any more time with you," he said cruelly.

"You can't! We are husband and wife now. Please forget about her, it's our wedding night!" Sarah said in a shaky voice.

"So what?" he scoffed. " You mean nothing to me. I promised I will go see Anne and that's where I want to be. Why don't you find something to entertain yourself with and leave me the fuck alone?"

"No...she is not expecting you. I...I sent her a text from your phone and told her that you won't be coming tonight," Sarah said firmly and stood her ground. She didn't how she managed to muster up the courage to do something like that. She just couldn't let him go see his girlfriend.

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