A Deadly Game of Roulette

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Ash_InTheFlamesAshPotatoAjexxanAlterlinehapyhappinesslargefrenchbreadsoftcuddlezwildheart64-_Oli_-Duskstorm1, and AquaticMcFan

Tw: A bit of gore


"Alright, today, we're gonna play a game of Russian Roulette," Iskall said to the group of 6 hermits who had gathered in front of him. "Everyone, sit in a circle, we're gonna do this properly. No faffing."

The seven hermits (including Iskall himself), sat in a circle and a couple of other hermits had come to watch,

"And, we begin," Iskall said firmly, looking each of the hermits in the eye, before pulling the trigger, the gun pointed at his own head.

Mumbo released a shaky breath of relief as the bullet didn't go through Iskall. He was safe another day. Everyone turned to look at Mumbo, who started shaking. Everyone knew he was the biggest coward, and that's probably why they chose him.

He shivered and reached for the gun, and stood up. He aimed it to his head, his fingers slipping between the trigger before firing.

Mumbo's body hit the ground with a thump and his blood splattered across the walls, on the ground, and anyone sitting next to them. Iskall stared at the freshly made corpse in stunned silence. He rubbed the side of his face and stared at the fresh blood. Like a monster in a good horror, panic and anxiety attacked him with joy. It tore him from the inside out and chewed his meat and skin raw off his bone, hammering his skull against the wall repeatedly before taking a bite off his skull.

Iskall turned to face the dead body laying onto the ground. His body should become dust... not remaining, laying on the ground. Unless...

"Xisuma, did you... turn off respawn?" False's voice called. Everyone almost simultaneously turned towards the admin, whose helmet hid his expression.

"No! I don't know how this happened!" X said, panic laced in his tone. Iskall ignored them as their questioning went on. He leaned over and pried the gun out of Mumbo's hand and looked at it. He slowly loaded a single bullet into the revolver, spinning the chamber into place.

The next person after Mumbo was Tango, who was staring at Mumbo's deceased face in stunned silence. Iskall raised the gun and pointed it at Tango's head-


-and fired.


Tango let out a breath he didn't know he was holding at the click. He was terrified now, he didn't want what happened to Mumbo to happen to him, or the other hermits. Iskall grimaced at the dry-fire, turning the gun quickly on the next hermit and pulling the trigger before they could even react.

"What the heck Iskall!?!?" Beef yelled, jumping at the sound of the click. Iskall ignored him as he pointed the gun at the next person: Xisuma. Although, before Iskall could do anything, one of the bystanders had tackled him, pinning him down. Iskall instantly recognized them as Cleo, the zombie hermit. She grinned at him and snatched away the gun from his hand whilst he was off guard.

Shooting Cleo was useless, and the only possible way to defeat her was to rip her whole body apart, which Iskall couldn't have done considering his situation. He still wanted the gun though. He was, ultimately, trigger happy and nothing was going to stop him. Well, nothing stopped him indeed. He turned Cleo around, now pinning her down and he tore her apart. Limb by limb. Right in front of the hermits.

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