Coming Home Late

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Word count: 1117

summery: uhhhh shiping and fluff-

T'was all quiet in the JumDog household. Silence surrounded Mumbo as he slept on the couch, a book halfway read on the floor. Cold hot chocolate sat in a mug on a coaster, pale and long forgotten.

The small, cosy house was flanked all sides by trees, foliage and vegetation. Ren stumbled up the gravel path, wincing as he could smell his own blood. He licked his dry lips, unlocking the front door and entering as quietly as he could. But he went crashing down onto the floor, tripping over their dog Kubo and cursing loud enough for Mumbo to awake.

"Wh- What was that? Ren, is that you? What are you doing coming home at 1 am?" Mumbo stumbled through the living room tiredly, leaning on the doorframe.

"Mmph, nmtheing..." Ren mumbled.

"What? Well, it's certainly something if you're making Kubo go- Oh dear, we best get you cleaned up." Mumbo turned on the lights, revealing his boyfriend, aka child, covered in scratches and bruises.

Ren flinched at the sudden light in his eyes, but quickly adjusted. He saw Mumbo's worried face looking him up and down. Even Kubo seemed put off.

"Well, lets get you sorted..." Mumbo said, rubbing some sleep from his eyes as he grabbed Ren's hand and walked him to the bathroom. "What even happened to you?" Mumbo asked, starting to look through some cupboards in the bathroom.

"I, uh, fell. It's nothing, don't worry. You should be in bed. We can worry about it in the morning."

Mumbo took his hand gently and pulled him close. He smiled sympathetically. "Ren, babe, you did not get THAT from just falling. Tell me what happened or I'm just gonna worry more."

Ren sighed and looked away, the tip of his tail swinging nervously by his legs. "There were... two guys and they jumped me. I should have defended myself better. But seriously, I'm fine. Just... go to bed."

Mumbo sighed, rifling through the cupboards. He found the first aid kit and placed in the sink, making his boyfriend sit on the toilet seat. "No, I'm cleaning you up. No way am I sleeping next to you with blood all over your face and open cuts," he said firmly, stopping Ren from leaving as he stood up.

"And.. I was at a bar," Ren started, his ears twitching. His tail lay by his side.

"Oh?" Mumbo prompted, raising his eyebrows. He grabbed a towel, soaking it before roughly scrubbing Ren's face, gritting his teeth when his boyfriend growled. "Sorry. Gotta make sure it comes off."

Ren hissed in pain, his ears flattening on his head. He waited until his lover had finished wiping his face before speaking again. "And there was a guy harassing a girl. I told him to back off and he started on me. We fought and he sucker punched me. Then as I was walking home... 2 guys jumped me."

Mumbo sighed. "What were you thinking trying to get that guy to stop?"

"Was Rendiggitydog supposed to just leave the girl to be harassed? No!"

"Maybe you could've asked someone at the bar." Mumbo pulled out the disinfectant. "This is gonna hurt."

He put some on a cotton seat and gently started to swab it over Ren's arms.

"Ow ow, that stings- ow!" Ren gritted his teeth.

"Well it's gonna hurt if you don't stop moving around!" Mumbo said, resisting the urge to wack the dog's head for being so stupid.

"It's not MY fault you decided to clean me up!" Ren snapped, yowling as his arms stung. "You could've gone to bed."

"Well it wasn't my fault you got yourself injured, beat up a guy then got jumped, was it?" Mumbo snarled back, closing his eyes and breathing. "I'm sorry."

"No, I am. I shouldn't have gone..."

"Ren, babe, what you did was good but incredibly stupid. You could've had a lot worse. You saved a girl. But remember that you need to be safe too."

"I-I know." Ren looked down, "I couldn't stop myself. When I saw what that guy was doing to that girl, I- I just - I got so mad because you should never treat anyone like that. I was thinking what I would do if it was you."

"That's sweet and I understand, I know you can't stand seeing things like that, but you need to have some self preservation." Mumbo scolded. "I'm proud of you for stopping that man," Mumbo smiled softly, gently taking Ren's face in his hands and caressing his cheeks with his thumbs.

"I'm very proud you've got the confidence to do that. But you could've told the bartender. Or somebody else that would've done it properly instead of taking it into your own hands. And don't worry about being jumped, these things unfortunately happen a lot. I care that you come home at the end of the day, safe and untouched. Okay?" Mumbo kissed Ren's nose, placing some strips on his larger cuts and bandages on the smaller ones. He sighed when Ren nodded guiltily.

"There. It might take a while to heal up and that's gonna be a nasty black eye, babe." Mumbo finished, packing the first aid kit away and stepping back, leaving the bathroom to give Ren some privacy.

Ren got up, groaning from his achy arms.

"I got cookies, you want some?" Mumbo yelled from the kitchen.

"Sure, coming in a minute." Ren looked at himself in the mirror. Wow - was he beat up! Bandages covered his arms and face, and his eye still ached. He winced at his appearance. He was never doing this again.


As Ren and Mumbo curled up under the bedsheets together, Ren tight in Mumbo's arms, the latter couldn't get a question off his mind. "Hey Ren," Mumbo whispered, feeling his boyfriend stir in his arms and lift his head to look over at him.

"Yeah...?" Ren asked sleepily, waking up slightly. "What's wrong?"

"Um, you know when we had that argument earlier?" The moustached man started, continuing with the nod of Ren's head. "Well... I'm sorry if it was me that made you go to the pub. I'm sorry for arguing with you."

"Hey, hey, it's alright Mumbo Jumbolio," the two laughed snickered at the nickname, "don't worry about it. It wasn't any of your fault. If anything, it was mine for provoking you." Ren frowned, sincerity burning in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't be stupid. It's not your fault. Okay, you can sleep now." Mumbo breathed a laugh, kissing him briefly before scratching Kubo's ears.

Ren smiled, readjusting himself in his boyfriend's muscular arms before snoozing away again, his dreams full of his boyfriend and his dog.

The end.

bam! it's been published! and now read by you, our dear lovely readers, i hope you enjoyed- and uh um im not to good at these author note conclusiony thingies so i dont know why im still rambling- but now i will go stab everyone in the hermitfic discord so ... see you next time!

- Waffle

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