chapter 14.

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After an hour, we went back to Luke's. Since it was around 10pm now, I changed in to my flannel pj shorts and a green day tank. I tied my hair up in to a messy bun and took off all my makeup. Putting on moisturiser. Feeling refreshed.

I went back downstairs where I heard Mikey swearing to himself. I walked in to the room to see him playing a video game.

I rolled my eyes, walking in to the other room where Liz was.

''Guess what?''


''I beat Mikey in Fifa today!! I BEAT HIM!! and he bought me pizza.''

''Wait, you BEAT MIKEY?! CONGRATULATIONS!!'' She cheered for me, as I laughed her. We sat down and watched Love Actually. I can be a girl!

Around the end of the film, Calum came in.

''We're going now, bye Alex, bye Liz!'' I was too engrossed in the film to even notice he was there. It wasn't until I seen Liz getting up to say goodbye to them all that I got up aswell.

''Wait, did I seriously watch a movie for that long? wow..I'm such a girl.'' I spoke to myself. I kissed Ashton goodbye. Hugging Mikey and Calum.

''Midnight feast?'' I looked at Jack, Ben, Liz and Luke.

''I really like how you think Taylor.''

''Trust me, you don't.'' I muttered to myself, but of course Luke had to hear me.

''What do you mean..?''

''Nothing!'' I quickly shrugged it off. We got out popcorn, crisps, sweets, Fanta and coke, pop tarts, everything!

''Wait. We can't have a midnight feast without chocolate or Ice cream!!'' I quickly called out. I looked and Luke, and he looked at me.

''LET'S GO!!'' We rushed out the door, looking for a place that would be open at this time, I looked out the window of the car, then yelled once I seen a place. Luke quickly parked the car and we rushed inside. I went to the ice cream isle and he went to the chocolate isle.

I got cookie dough, chocolate, strawberry, oreo, mint, bubblegum, every fricken flavour. Once I put them all in the basket I went round to find Luke. I went round singing at the top of my lungs while blasting Don't Stop.

''DON'T STOPPPPP CAUSE YOU KNOW THAT I LIKE FOODDD!!'' I started shouting around the place. I got shushed by one of the employees which made me run off laughing even more.

Once I couldn't find Luke, I lay down on the floor and started singing What Makes You Beautiful. When I still couldn't find him from doing absolutely nothing, I started singing We Can't Stop.

''And we caaannn'tttt stooooppp'' I basically sounded like a donkey. Just saying. Soon enough, after more songs, Luke came round the corner laughing his head off with his phone up.

''Is this a keek?''

''Nope. I'm just taking a selfie.''

''heeyyy, can you me up?'' He put his phone down and started laughing even more. He held out his hand but I couldn't even help myself up because of the level of amount that I was laughing. So Luke lay down beside me and we started laughing.

That was until his phone started ringing.


''Oh..yea..Alex actually started singing our songs, One Direction and Miley Cyrus songs and so she's kind og lay down on the floor laughing right now and we just can't really-''

''THE ICE CREAM IS MELTING LUKE!!'' I shouted and shot up like a bullet. We paid for the food and drove back home the way we came. By the time we got in to the house it was 1:13am.

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