Chapter 39

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I woke up from my nap, and then remembered why I had fallen asleep. Charlie was there, standing by the door frame.

"Someone wants to talk to you.." Just then, Ashton showed up with a tear stained face. I wiped my wet tears from my face and sat up on my bed, with my legs crossed.

Ashton sat in front of me, he was looking down at his hands. I instantly felt horrible and wrapped my arms round his neck. He instantly wrapped his arms round my waist, burying his face in my neck.

''Please don't leave me Al..I need you.''

''I don't want to hurt you Ash..'' My voice broke at the end. I didn't want to see him hurt because of me. I wanted to see that smile which make his dimples show up on his cheeks, I want to hear the giggle of his which makes me smile, I want him to wake up in the morning and be happy, not hurt. I want to see his eyes glow. I don't want to be the reason for his amazing eyes to be dull and sad.

''I'm sorry Ash..'' He pulled away from me and his eyes weren't hurt. They were filled with sadness and anger.

''No..I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy enough.''


''No Alex..I didn't try hard enough..and I'm in England recording this album. We won't be able to see each just wouldn't have worked out..''

I was hurt he thought about it like that. I wanted to make things work, I really did. But while I'm like this, going back and forth with my emotions I can't hurt him.

''Don't you understand I wanted this to work out? I want to be with you, I just can't right feelings keep going back and minute I feel happy and free, the next..I'm having a panic attack and keep thinking of Katie. I don't know what's wrong with me Ash..and I don't want to hurt you during the process of trying to figure it out. Please Ash..'' By now, tears were running down my face, I couldn't control feeling like this. I wanted to be calm, but I know from experience that once you have a panic attack it's most likely to come back, it will go on and off.

And I think that was happening again.

I felt arms being wrapped around me, but I didn't care who it was right now. I just cried into their shoulder.

''Please don't cry Al..I promise..if you feel you need a break from this..I'll help, okay? I'll help you through everything.''

I calmed down.


All the boys had left to see their families, leaving me and Charlie.

''Wanna watch chick flicks? Or we could go out and buy a bunch of shit ass food, come back and eat it all while watching movies? Then we can do blind folded make overs, and then we can eat any left over food or if we don't we can order pizza and stay up all night?''

This is why I loved Charlie. She always knew what I needed when I needed it most. And she never left until she knew I was okay.

So there we went. I put on a pair of grey swearts, a black green day shirt and my black converse.

I had my hair up in a messy bun and we set off. Once we went down the lift, found our way to my car in the dark since it was 11pm now.

We made our way to the nearest place which had loads of food. We rushed inside, and ran to the junk food aisles. I grabbed Doritos, ice cream, dips, reeses, popcorn etc. Then we went on to lemonade. We figured if we needed anything else we could always come back, it was a 24 hour service anyway.

Just as we were making our way to the cashiers we bumped into four guys. Oh fucking great.

''Oh..hey guys'' Charlie started off.

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