Chapter 50

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We waited and waited for hours on end to hear some news on Ashton. I had my arm round Lauren's shoulder, her head resting on my arm.

"What time is it?" Michael whined.

"3am.." Luke just about answered. The hospital was quiet, but there was always someone making a call, or something here. My eyes were struggling to keep open, I needed to know if there was any news on him.

"Cal,go up and ask if there's any news for Ashton." Charlie nudged him, as he stood up and walked over to the desk.

He was standing there for about five minutes before walking back.

"They're done working on him, but he's still in critical condition. They say it was a seizure that happened. I'm not really sure what that is but she said it might happen again." I sighed loudly.

"Can we go see him yet?" Luke said, running his hand over his face.

"They said not until visiting hours in the morning."

"Thank you Calum, " Anne told him shakily, I could tell she had been crying because this was her son. She just needed for him to wake up.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna take Lauren and Harry home, they need to sleep." we all agreed and told her goodnight.

"Bye Alex, " Harry waved goodbye to me tiredly as I waved back.

"Those kids love you Al, "

"Yeah well, they're like the siblings I never had. Unfortunately I had this best friend who acted like a brother but what can you do when the kid won't leave you alone?" I nudged Luke making him laugh.


Charlie, Calum and Michael had all went home to sleep around an hour after Anne ,Harry and Lauren. Luke and I stayed. I wanted to stay but Luke insisted on staying with me because he thinks I shouldn't be alone.

"You can go home now Luke, it's 7am. Liz will start getting worried,i know that she's like."

"I'm not leaving you Alex, you-"

"Can't be alone at a time like this. I know, I know." I finished his sentence knowing what he will say by now

"Am I really that predictable?" He put his hand on his heart, faking to be hurt at what I said.

"No, you're unpredictable." I laughed at my own joke, referring to their song.

"Ha ha , very funny." he playfully glared me , making me laugh.

He looked at me, before smiling at me.

"What? Why are you smiling at me?" I asked me curiously.

"I haven't heard you laugh in a while, it's nice . " I sighed before walking up to the front desk.

"Is there any new news on Ashton Irwin? He was in a car collision."

"Yes! His arm started to move a little, he could wake up soon." My eyes widened at her words.

I walked back quickly to Luke. Getting my phone out calling Charlie.

"What's happened? Is he okay?" Luke questioned. Charlie didn't pick up so I explained to Luke.

"Luke.. he moved his arm a little. she said he could wake up soon isn't that amazing?!" I spoke fast and excitedly.

"Oh my god Al!" He spoke with a grin on his face. We called everyone, telling them to come asap when visiting hours started.

We had five minutes to wait until we were arrived to go in and see Ashton. I prayed that today is the day he wakes up. Its been a week, and we need him.

"Mum? When can we go and see him?"

"Very soon sweetie, very soon." Anne patted Harry on his knee, smiling at him.

A doctor came out telling us we could all go in and see Ashton. We let Anne and the kids go in to see him on their own.

"You get to see him real soon, he could wake up today. " Luke put his arm round my shoulder.

"Yeah, and I pray to God he does.." I sighed, smiling at the thought of seeing those beautiful eyes again, hearing that amazing voice and that girly little giggle.

Half an hour later, Anne and the kids told us it was our turn to go and see him. She smirked at me,and I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what that meant. We all made our way to his room.

Once we opened the door we did not expect to see what we saw..

Ashton was sitting up on the bed, eyes open and smiling.

"Guys! You're here!" He grinned at us, but once Charlie and I walked in he looked confused.

No..he has to remember me. He has to!

He motioned for Calum to come closer and whispered something in his ear

"That's Alex, and Charlie. You don't remember them?"

"I think I remember Alex.. but barely. I mean I know she's Luke's best friend from childhood but I've never met her properly... right?" My heart completely shattered. He doesn't remember anything about me.

"It's nice to meet you Alex, you too Charlie." he stuck his hand out, shaking mine.

"Yeah.. you too Ash.." I spoke quietly.

"Ash, do you remember what happened to you mate?" Michael asked.

"Mum told me a truck collided with mine. I've been in a coma for a week, she told me its 2015 and that you guys would explain more things to me." he looked at us innocently.

"What year did you think it was when you woke up?" Calum asked.

"2013. Last thing I remember is we were in England recording shit." So he has no memory of us.

"Why what's happened all this time?" He asked us, looking confused.

"Well for a start you were in a relationship with Alex." Michael just blurted it out. Ashton looked at me with wide eyes as I looked down at my feet, fiddling with my hands.

"We were?" He asked me.

"Um.. yeah , pretty much.. " I didn't know what to say, he knew nothing about this.

"Wow.. I'm surprised I could get a girl like you!" He said, making me snap my head up. I looked at him confused,wondering he meant. His cheeks were turning pink probably realising what he said.

"What do you mean, a girl like me?"

"Guys , can me and Alex talk by ourselves?" They all mumbled a 'yeah' and 'sure'.

Once they shut the door I sat down in the chair beside him. Looking up at him, those beautiful hazel eyes.

"How did a beautiful girl like you ever go out with someone like me?"


"No I'm serious, how long did we go out for?"

"Well, around a year and a half. You looked after me a lot once you.. found out about my dad.."

"Why? What happened with your dad?"

"He um.. my sister, Katie, hung herself.. and um I guess my parents couldn't deal with the loss of her and so they divorced and my dad blamed me.. he started to Abu-"

"No. Alex, no."

"Yeah.. but it's okay because I had you." he held his hand out, I took it and smiled at him.

"But..thats the thing Alex.. you had me. I know I don't know what happened between us but maybe I can learn.." He looked at me sadly,

"Yeah.. maybe,"



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