Chapter 42

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Those 3 days came by really fast. Almost too fast. It's been a week since they left, and I'm still heartbroken.

"Alex! You need to wake up! You promised me we could go shopping today!" I groaned into my pillow as Charlie shouted from the kitchen.

"Do I have to?" I groaned again at her as she was now leaning on the door frame.

"Of course! I need a woman's opinion!"

"Oh please, I'm still a child! Physically 17 years old, mentally 5 years old!" She just laughed at me before dragging me out of bed.

I changed in to some black jeans, a white shirt and a green flannel shirt. I put on my black DM's and brushed my teeth, sticking my hair up in to a messy pony tail. I didn't need to bother much with my appearance unlike Charlie.

She was wearing white jeans, a black button up top and her black heels. Her hair was curled into loose ringlets. Her makeup was perfect.

''You look amazing''

''As do you my friend!'' She grinned at me before linking arms as we walked out of the apartment.

We got in her car, and as soon as the radio came on we both looked at each other.

''I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BAAALLL!'' We shouted while rolling down the windows.

''I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOOVVEE!'' Charlie belted out the next words before bursting into laughter.

We continued singing until the next song came on.

Once we arrived at the mall, Charlie quickly opened her door, running over to mine and opening it.

''Why thank you!''

''You're most certainly welcome!''

We laughed before walking inside. Charlie grabbed my arm and dragged me along for Forever 21. She grabbed several dresses from the hangers, putting them in my arms.

She tried all of them on, getting my opinion on each. She tried on a beautiful floral print dress, with thin straps. The skirt was loose and puffy but it looked amazing.

''I like this one!''

''It looks amazing, it's my favourite out of them all! But..what's it for?''

''Um..I may have been asked on a date..''

''OH MY GOD! WHO WITH?!'' I practically screamed right in her face.

''Um..Luke?'' My eyes widened with happiness. I knew he liked her, I knew it.

''I so knew it. He totally likes you Charlotte! Wait, they went back to England?''

''Please don't call me by my real name, I hate it. And I know, this is for when they come back!'' I just laughed at her before I could tell she was nervous about the whole thing.

''Hey, there's nothing to be nervous about. I mean, it's Luke! He's like a baby penguin, defenseless. Except he'd be like a giant baby penguin instead of a small one..'' She laughed at my joke before paying for the dress and moving on to shoes.

After trying on about a hundred pair of shoes, she finally found a pair of red wedges she was happy with. Finally.

''I need a clutch!''

''You have plenty!''

''Yeah, but they're all old!''

''Trust me, I have the perfect one at home. And we have plenty of time before they come back! Don't worry! You'll give yourself a headache if you keep stressing this much!''

''I just really want him to like me Al..''

''Oh trust me honey, he likes you!'' She smiled at me before sighing and we decided to head back to the apartment. I can't believe Luke never told me about his date! I reminded myself to make sure to tell him about that when I next talk to them all.

It was now 6pm and Charlie and I decided to have a night in. We were on the sofa with all our covers over us. We decided to watch Monsters University.

''I wonder what it's like to be a monster..I mean what if your a really shit scarer? Do you just make cans all day long? Is that really what your destined to do?'' My cousin really did think of these kind of things to say.

''I think so..I mean it's sad but..I know I'd be a shit scarer. No wait, me and Calum pulled a good prank on Luke one time. He shit his pants.''

''Did he really piss himself?!''

''No! Jesus,''

We paused the movie since we were getting a skype call from the boys. However, it was 4am in England.

''Hey guys!'' We shouted in sync into the laptop.

''Why are you awake when you could be sleeping?!'' Charlie instantly called.

''We're writing songs, since Luke was really 'inspired' by some girl. Apparently we don't know her.'' Michael explained.

I looked over at Charlie and seen her blush. I, however, burst in to laughter. I knew it was about Charlie and I seen Luke just look at his feet.

''Is there something going on we don't know about?'' Calum said while looking around.

''Maybe Luke or Charlie can explain,'' I called on them and their heads shot up like a bullet.

''What's going on guys?'' Ashton asked.

''That is not for my mouth to tell. '' I walked away to get a bag of chips. When I walked back in it was just Charlie and Lucas talking. I kept walking past the laptop in the back round making sure to crunch on my chips really loudly.

''Oh fuck it's stuck in my tooth!'' I yelled from the kitchen as I heard laughing.

I grabbed a packet of frozen peas and just lay down on the floor plopping my face on to the frozen peas.

''Alex? What are you doing?''

''My face is too hot, so I got frozen peas to cool myself down, even I can't handle my own hotness it's just , wow I'm'' I stuttered a little, just lying there mumbling to myself in this packet of frozen peas.

''Babe, you don't like frozen peas!'' I heard Ashton yell.

''YEAH BUT THEY'RE COOLING ME DOWN SO I LIKE THEM FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES!'' I shouted back to him, hearing them all laugh.

I officially like frozen peas when I am too hot

hot damn.



okay so





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i love yas

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