chapter 8.

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Yes, my mum was dancing and attempting to sing along to She Looks So Perfect. I seen Luke's eyes widen when he seen my mum dancing. 

''Mum! Please..stop..attempting your best to dance!''

''Oh c'mon! I know all the cool and hip moves you kids do these days!'' I stopped listening once she used the word cool. 

''Let's just sit down first, then later we can discuss what my generation actually does!''

Soon it was getting slightly darker. Dad had went home, getting a hug from me. Mum had went inside leaving the 5 of us to whatever. We sung more songs.

''I think alex should sing a solo part.'' Luke suggested. My eyes widened, but the guys agreed. I felt my cheeks heat up. I've never ever ever ever sung in front of someone, never mind 4! yeah that really isn't a lot at all but it's more than one!

''I..I don't know..I've..never sing in front of people before..'' 

''Just this once? Please?''

''Fine. What are we singing?''

''Amnesia!'' I was fine with Amnesia because I actually knew the words to it.

''Ok, you'll sing my solo!'' Luke said, making me nervous because he sings the chorus.

Calum started playing his guitar, singing when it was time. Oh god now it's my go.

''I remember the day you told me you were leaving. 

I remember the makeup running down your face.

And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them.

Like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia.

And forget about the stupid little things. 

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you.

And the memories I never can excape.

Cause I'm not fine at all.''

Calum stopped playing his guitar, they all looked at me like I was some elephant which had a unicorn beside it. 

''Was I that bad..??'' 

''Bad?! Are you crazy? That was fucking amazing! I never knew you could sing like that!'' Michael ranted on.

''He's right!!'' Then Calum

''How long have I been you're best friend yet I never knew how much you could sing! That was perfect!'' Then Luke.

Ashton still had his mouth open. 


''what? Oh right! Sorry..that..that was beautiful!''

Just then my mum came out to the garden, distracting us all from our thoughts.

''Boys, do you just want to stay the night?'' They all nodded their heads.

Ashton's pov

Her voice was like an angel. And that is no over exageration. Today when we held hands on the beach, I felt tingles rush through my body like electricity. Luke told us before Alex arrived at the airport that none of us should fall in love with her. He doesn't want to see her get hurt, I mean I can't blame him. 

I knew he wouldn't want us going out in the first place so what's the point in feeling this way about someone so beautiful..god. 

Once she sung Wanwesia, jesus, that made me melt inside. Then her mum asked us if we wanted to stay the night. That made me realise how much I actually like this girl. 

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