chpater 11.

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We started eating the cake, sitting down at the table. Michael had made me put the shirt on which made us all laugh again.

I stared down at the charm Luke gave me, smiling. I took small bites of the colourful cake that was set in front of me. We were talking about the times Luke and I were kids and we used to put on shows for our families because we both wanted to sing. I guess Luke got his dream.

''I can't believe how far you boys have gotten. We're proud of you all'' My mum spoke which made me raise my head and smile.

It's true, Luke had gotten so far. He worked at his singing career when it wasn't always easy. Then he formed a band which had gotten so far in the music world.

I kind of zoned out when they started talking about me being happier and things. I didn't need to know I wasn't happy, I knew I wasn't.

''Alex!'' Mikey yelled.

''What..wait, what?''

''We asked if you wanted to stay at our place tonight?''

''Oh..ok'' Although I had school tomorrow, I didn't give two shits. I packed an over night bag, then we decided to leave. We stayed at Luke's house. Once we walked through the door , I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

''Mum, is it alright if these guys stay here tonight?'' Luke spoke to his mum.

''Who all is it honey?''

''Mikey, Ash, Calum and Alex.''

''Sure!'' I loved Liz, she's basically a second mother to me. As the boys went up to Luke's room, I decided to go to the kitchen and talk to Liz.

''Hello sweetie, how's you?''

''Liz, honestly, I could be a lot better.'' She knows everything, like I said, she was like a second mother. When Luke and I were younger we would always have sleepovers at eachothers houses.

She looked at me with sympathy eyes. She knew something had happened, she probably knew what I was thinking.

''Please don't do anything stupid anytime soon honey, you're like the daughter I never had!'' She chuckled a little, making me do the same. I helped her prepare the dinner, which was home made chips and burgers. I loved it when Liz cooked. She was simply an amazing cook.

''Liz, did you by any chance major in cooking when you when to University?''

''I actually did Alex!'' We both laughed, then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

''We heard Alex was here!'' His brothers came running down the stairs, embracing me in a hug. I simply loved Luke's family, they always treated me like their own sister or daughter. They knew when I wasn't right, when I'm going through a hard time at home or school.

I haven't seen these boys in so long and they were literally like the bigger brothers. It wasn't just Luke. When I was a kid, you would always find me at Luke's house more than my own. There was a period of my childhood when I called myself a Hemmings and not a Taylor, simply because Luke and I were best friends and spending every minute with eachother.

Soon after talking to Liz, Ben and Jack I went up to Luke's room where they all were.

''What took you so long?'' Mikey instantly babbled at me once I even slightly opened the door.

''I was talking to Liz, Ben and Jack!''

''Why were you talking to my mum?'' Luke looked at me confused.

''You know she's like my second mum!'' I put my hands up in defeat, watching Calum and Ashton playing Fifa.

''YES! I BEAT YOU IRWIN! IN YOUR FACE!'' Ashton just looked at Calum with an expression that read 'are you being serious?'

''Wanna play a game with the master of Fifa Alex...if you dare!''

''Oh please, I'm gonna beat your ass at this Hood!'' Ooh's were heard coming from Michael and Ashton making me laugh.

So far, I was beating Calum by 13 points. His face was so concentrated on the game. I kept moving with the controller, talking to myself. My eyes were focused on the tv, I didn't even glance over at Calum. Around 10 minutes later,  I shouted.

''WINNER! YOU JUST GOT BEAT BY A GIRL AT FIFA!'' I started being a girl and did a happy dance.

''Please, I let you win.'' Calum scoffed, but I knew he was lying. I had secretly been practising.

''Whatever floats your boat Hood.''

''OK I DEMAND A REMATCH!'' He yelled, making us all laugh.

''Ok then, for your punishment, we are making you watch Paranormal Activity.'' My eyes widened at Calum's words, because I do not handle scary movies well at all.

''And Annabelle.'' Jesus christ Calum, do you wanna kill me while you're at it? Because I am not suffering Annabelle and Paranormal Activity.

We all sat down on the floor, covers around us all, I was in between Michael and Ashton.

It was at the part when night time came and the ghost or demon was pulling people from their beds and everything, scaring the abolute shit out of me. I hid my face in Ashton's chest, his arm was around my waist.

''Is it over?'' I whispered to him.

''Don't worry, it's nearly over.'' He looked down at me when he spoke. Once the movie was finally over, which felt like years! Calum put on Annebelle. I groaned once I heard the creepy music begin to play.

''Please make it stop.'' I muttered to myself.

Half way through the movie, I heard the sound stop and the lights go on again. What were they doing? Once I raised my head, I realised Ashton and I were the only ones in the room.

''where is everybody?''

''I need to tell you something Alex..'' I looked at him, our eyes locked.

'' goes. Remember that night when I was going to talk to you about something in the park that night? But you fell asleep and I came to your house? Well I was going to tell you everything I'm going to tell you now. Don't worry it's nothing bad. Well Alex, ever since I seen you sleeping at the airport waiting for us, I knew I liked you..more than a friend. I mean, how could I not? You're beautiful, you're funny, you aren't afraid to do boy things like go air softing, the way your head falls back when you laugh. The way you concentrate so hard to beat us in a game of Fifa, the way you are always up to hanging out with us no matter how much you would prefer to be on your own in your room and be alone with your thoughts, the way your eyes light up at certain things, even though you've been through so much, you always find the good things. Even when you're bad begged for forgiveness, you knew he didn't deserve it but you forgave him anyway. I love how you are willing to do anything for others no matter how much they don't deserve it, I love how you will make the best out of bad situations, I love how you look people up and down that you hate, I love how even though you get hate and get bullied and everything, you're still here! and I'd really love it if you could be my girlfriend to make you happier.''

Did he really say all those things about me? I mean, of course I felt the same way about him. I just never thought he actually felt this way about me. I guess Luke was right, and he wanted us together so I didn't need to worry about him.

''Of course I will Ash!'' I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him to death. We opened the door only to have Luke, Michael, Calum, Ben and Jack fall down.

''I swear we weren't listening!'' Mikey spoke, looking up at us.

 I COULDN'T KEEP THE CUTENESS OF TIRWIN? IN! oh my god I ship tirwin. Yep. That's what im calling them.






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