chapter 13.

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I had my bag packed. Boxes packed. My back pack packed. Ashton tried to convince me to stay, but I have enough money to move out, with the small jobs I've ever had I kept the money because I knew I would need it for something important one day, and I guess today is that day. I would move in to a decent apartment and finally be free. I would live my own life the way I want to, not what other people want.

My mum had always been supportive of my decisions, always being there for me and asking if everything was alright. She is the one who knows me better than anyone else. Even though I am about to loose one of the most important people in my life I am prepared because in the end she is not the woman she set out to be. She is turning against me, and going with my dad. And for that I need to leave. I need to leave everything. This is why I am going on tour with the boys, I am leaving my painful world behind me and starting a new life at 17 years old. I shouldn't have to do this at this early in my life.

I didn't speak to my mum the rest of the night. The boys had to go because their parents would be worried, Ashton stayed 2 more hours than everybody else. My mum had only spoken to me to call me down for dinner, I didn't even eat it with her at the table, I simply brought the pasta up to my room and finished some work. I went looking for therapy jobs online. Even if I help people while I'm online, that would be cool. I decided that this would be my job if I could get one.

I needed to start figuring things our for myself. I figured out what I wanted to do for living , therapy, I have money until I find that job.

I was in my room lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. Realising this is about to be the life I wanted. I have just lost my mum to my dreadful father. I still have my childhood best friend, my new boyfriend and their band mates. Which is really good considering they are my best friends aswell now and I hope it's the same for them.

I kept looking over at the boxes of precious items that held things like drawings that Luke and I drew of us, my camera, pictures of Luke and I as kids in my kiddy pool I had as a kid, etc.

Mum hadn't said no to me moving out so I guess she wouldn't even care if I moved out. Would she? I sat up on the floor and stood up. I went down to the living room where my mum was staring at the tv, it was like she wasn't even watching it.

''Mum?'' she slowly turned her head round towards me.


''Would you even care if I really moved out?'' I whispered, just loud enough for her to hear me. I sounded like I was a little kid again.

''Whatever. I don't even know what's wrong with you anymore. You have those stupid cuts on your wrist and you say you suffer depression. I mean what's up with that? I didn't know you had been diagnosed with depression already! I mean don't you realise your own father came here to apologise to you-''

''That's it. I don't give a shit anymore!! I don't care about him alright?! And you both obviously don't care about me! You two getting divorced cause MY pain. MY scars. MY depression. HE caused this. HE hurt me. Mentally and physically! You don't even care, I am your daughter! I'm not even going to wait until morning I'm moving out NOW!'' I screamed at her.

She stared at me with an emotionless face. I slammed the door behind and stormed up the stairs. I took my bags and opened the front door, busting it closed behind me. I only had one pleace to go for now.

Can I come to yours?


I thought about all the things he's ever called me. I can't even say his name right now. Slut, whore, bitch, fat, ugly, disgrace, disappointment, and the list could go on and on. He was out of my life, and my mum showed no absolute interest in me.

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