Chapter 47

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My leg was shaking with nerves. I sat next to Charlie who came to the doctors appointment with me. I've never been this nervous before, not even on my very first day of therapy.

"Hey, don't be nervous. You'll be okay I promise. Whatever happens in there, we'll all be there by your side through out every step." Charlie squeezed my hand, reassuring me it would be alright.

"Alex Taylor?" I was called out. I told Charlie I wanted to do this on my own but right now I'm not sure it's the best option.

I went down the hall and knocked on the door. I heard a mumbled 'come in' as I opened the door.

"Take a seat Alex, your therapist told me everything. I'm here to do a diagnosis." I nodded my head.

He asked me the same questions as last time when I was diagnosed with depression.

"You have several mood swings I was told?" I nodded my head mumbling a 'mhm'.

"What's that about?"

"I really wish I knew. One minute I'm fine and happy, then I'll be sad and lonely and then I'm wanting to punch the walls. It's quite hard to explain because I don't know why I feel the way I do."

"Okay.." he wrote notes down on the paper.

"Well, Alex. I'm 95% sure you have bipolar disorder and depression." I stared at him shocked. I knew I might have depression again but bipolar?

"I'm sorry.. bipolar?"

"Yes. It's when you have several mood sw-"

"I know what it is but.. I'm bipolar?"

"I'm afraid so."

I got up and left the room. I've heard enough. Charlie stood up when she saw me walking out.

"Hey hey slow down. What happened?"

I ignored her and walked back to the car.


"I'm bipolar!" I blurted out. Her eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

"I have depression and bipolar disorder. Can we just go home? I just need food and then eat so much I need sleep."

"Yep you're Alex alright," we both laughed as we sung along to Green Day.

Once we got to the door, again questions were threw at me.

"What happened?"

"What did the doctor say?"

"Do you have depression again?"

"Guys! Your overwhelming her back off!"

"Well I'm sorry if I want to make sure my girlfriend-" Ashton stopped his sentence as I sighed and made my way up to my room.

I started punching the walls out of anger and hurt. I cried and and cried as I continued to punch the walls. Soon after my fist was red and was soon bleeding, I stopped and sunk down to the floor.

I stared at my hand as I tried to uncurl it from a fist but it hurt a hell of a lot.

Someone began to knock on the door. I groaned, ignoring whoever it was.

"Alex? It's me and Calum." Michael softly spoke. I opened the door , sinking down to the floor again.

"Alex.. what happened at the doctors?.." Calum asked the question everyone was dying to know.

"I'm depressed again. But.."

"But?" Michael looked at me confused.

".. Guys I'm bipolar, "

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