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Alex was a normal 16 year old. At least, that's what it looks like from just passing by her on the street. That's what they want you to think.

She hides away her bruised and cut body under layers of clothing. But everybody has those bad days, right? Most people get over it within a few hours of going on with their day, right?

Not for Alex. She's been having a bad life ever since she was 11 years old. After her big sister Katie, decided to kill herself, Alex's life has been a living hell. She hasn't ever told anyone how Katie died. She was sworn to secrecy by her parents. They told her to never tell anyone the truth of how her big sister died.

6 months later, her parents divorced. It was fun at her mums place during the week, but quite the opposite at her dad's house on weekends.

Her dad blamed Alex for Katie's death. And so from that point on, he began drinking and abusing her. She never told anybody how she really got those bruises and always managed to wear long sleeves so nobody, not even her best friend Luke Hemmings, could see her scars.

Luke formed a band named 5 Seconds Of Summer and well, they went off to London to record parts of their album and Alex hasn't seen Luke in over a year. And finding out that he's returning back to Australia is the best news she's heard in a a year.

Once the band get offered to open for big time British/Irish boyband, One Direction, they want to invite Alex along with them. Alex takes the offer, and develops a relationship with Ashton.

How do things work out?

What happens when Ashton makes a big mistake?

Does Alex find the heart to forgive him after he writes a song about her?

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