Chapter Fourty-One

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"You whore. You filthy, hideous whore. Was it good?!" Akito screamed out in rage, still struggling against Seth's and Hatori's grip.
You didn't dare look him in the eyes. You kept your face pressed into Momiji's shirt as he continued to insult you.
"Fucking whore. You can't have him. Do you hear me?! You can't have him!!" 
He cackled widly at your tears and refused to give up in his efforts to get to you.
"You're mine! I be nice to you and this is what I get! Bitch, I'll teach you fuck with my feelings!"
"I love you, you fucking whore!! Fuckin slut, you thought you would get away with it?!"
Why was everything falling apart?
"I-I'm so-r-ry Akito..." You whisper and in desperation cover your ears to tune out his voice. Everything they had said about him was true.
"Sorry? Oh, you'll be sorry once I'm through with you! I'll fuck you so hard...there won't be any pleasure in anything anymore!!"
Clawing at your ears, you imagine that this isn't really happening. Akito doesn't mean any of this he's just angry. He was in love with you and his heart was broken. It's competely natural for him to scorn you like this. It was makes him feel better if you're hurting as well.
Your life was falling apart. It was being ripped apart peice by piece.
After everything calm down it was dead quiet in the house. You were sitting on the couch next to Momiji sniffling every now and then. Akito was sitting on the opposite couch and had reverted back to his normal self. His legs were crossed and he smiled at you like before. It was as if he hadn't snapped at you a few minutes ago. He was calm, cool, and collected once more.
You merely stared not caring anymore. Momiji even noticed the void look in your eyes when you waved good-bye not bother to say anything. When they were finally gone you just walked up the stairs with lifeless eyes and sat down on your bed staring at the wall. You rubbed your arm and examined a purple bruise begining to show. 
What had you been waiting for anyway? You could've taken Akito down easily. 
Oh, that's right. You had thought that Akito was a polite, nice, respectful guy. You had thought he was great person.
You chuckle bitterly.
Funny, you had thought the same of Yuki.
Your throat felt dry, thick and felt like you needed to swallow something. Everything seem to bearing down on you at once. Yuki and everyone. When did you life get so unbearable. Your emotions were a wreck and you felt so tired. You need to go to sleep and maybe just forget this day ever happen. Forget everything that happened...
There was only way to fix everything but you were afraid to do it.
It wouldn't stop Yuki even if they did know. It would only make him more determined to have you. It would only fuel his mad desire.
Yuki had been the perfect mastermind. Your willpower was taking severe blows and you couldn't even imagine what was going to happen when Mitoko and the Prince Yuki fan club got a hold of you. As well as every other girl who is crushing on him. Their indifference to your existence would be over. You would be the victim of their jealously and rage.
His fangirls were a bunch of fuckin idiots. How could anyone claim to love someone...someone so despicable. You had just wanted to be left alone and get through these awkward teenage years, go to college, get a job, and maybe even get married to the man of your dreams. You could even do without the latter of those. couldn't live so peacefully anymore. Yuki had made sure of that.
As you lie suddenly realize that your crying again. You didn't bother to eat lunch or dinner. You cried yourself to sleep and slept through the rest of the day.
He was having such a wonderful dream. Not that he hadn't dream of you before...but this one was different.
Usually his dreams are much more erotic and enticing. You are usually writhing underneath him and screaming out his name in blissful release.
Instead this time everything had gone black in the midst of passion. He frowns deeply as he looks around into nothing. He is fully dressed in casual attire and walks a seemily never ending road of a dark abyss. There is a light flash that blinds him for a few seconds and then he is standing in the middle of the woods. 
The path looks familiar and it turns out to be the same path he takes home. He has the sudden urge to check on his garden when a sweet vioce rang out to him.
He turned around with a bright smile. That is until he saw his hime was unsettled. She was crying as she walked towards him...ignoring his questioning gaze. Yuki reaches out to touch your arm and rubs it affectionally.
His hime was wearing a sun dress...her belly poking out and a bit rounder than he had remembered.
"(name), my princess. Don't cry." He pleads wrapping an arm around your waist. There is no struggle when he does so and he slowly leans for a small peck on the lips to calm you down. Yuki runs his hands through your hair which seem to have grown a few inches.
"How can I not, Yuki?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his.
He grins and greedily dominates the kiss leaving your lips red and swollen when you seperated. He starts a trail of light, feathery kisses as his hands slides down and over the light bulge in your stomach. It perplexes him how got like that when you excercise daily and excel at martial arts.
There is a strange glint in your eyes as he rubs your stomach. You smile at him but it is not the one he loves to see. The one that drove into this mad obsession.
It is more dark and if mimicking him. 
"I'm pregnant."
The words echoes in his ears and it takes him a few minutes to actually comprehend it. (Name) was pregnant...with his child. Things could not possibly get any better than this...
Yuki laughed no longer worried about that creepy smile and once again ran hand over the bulge in your stomach. No wonder you looked even more radiant than the last time he saw you. He nuzzled his face in the croon of your next whispering sweet nothings in your ears. He had been looking forward to this for months...
"I love you, hime. I love you so much (name) and our child." Yuki couldn't cease the joy racing through him. She was his now, nothing could come between them. He knew if he played his cards right she would not be able to escape him. He fell to his knees and began to lightly kiss at your stomach through the clothing.
A product of you and was there.
You chuckle and he notices that your voice is deeper much darker. Perhaps it was just the pregnancy making you seem like a different person to him. You pull him back up to his feet and place your hands on his shoulder...with a meaningful sigh.
"I know you've been looking forward to this Yuki."
He nods. "Don't worry hime. I will take care of you and our child. Was that why you were crying?"
You gave him that dark, sinister smile again. "I was crying because..." You trailed off and ran a finger down his neck.
It tingles a bit to him and he wonders how you learned of the sweet spot that was there. 
"I love you, (name). I would never leave you are mine. You have always been mine in mind, body, and soul."
You chuckle again at his possessiveness. "I was crying because I'm so happy Yuki."
"So am I (name). You look beautiful...I cannot-"
You ignored his comment completely and continued on with what you had to say. "I'm so happy...that you took my life away from me. That you ruined my happy that everything I've known is gone and the only thing I have left to run to is you."
Yuki is silent and confused as he begins to speak. "Hime? What are you saying...?"
You cackled madly and moved your hands form his shoulders to his neck. You wrapped your hands around it tightly squeezing him and cutting off his air supply.
"You took my life away and now I'm going to take yours!"
His silverish pupils dilate as he begins to struggle for air. He claws wildly at your hands trying to pry them off and breathe. You remain firm in choking him to death and laugh manically at the look on his face.
"This child. The one thing you've always wanted and now you'll never live to see it!"
He does not believe this is happening. His hime would never act, or speak this way. 
She loved him too much to kill him.

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now