Chapter Thirteen

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Saturday morning.

Saturday was one of the more favorable days of the week (right next to Friday). It gives people the time to clear their heads from a hard and stressful week of school and work.

They sleep in late and have untold time to do…absolutely NOTHING. Either that or they indulge themselves in an entertaining and fun activity.

Your idea of both entertainment and fun was kicking your best friend’s ass. Today was the day you would finally defeat that temperamental cutie. That’s right on the day of love, tranquility and all that other mushy stuff…you were gonna beat someone’s face in.

It was gonna be so much fun!

Anyway…you were currently perfecting yourself in front of the mirror. You were surprised that the alarm had waked you up; you’re usually a very heavy sleeper. You had already taken done all the necessary things for good hygiene. You know bathing, brushing your teeth, and etc. Now all that was left was making yourself look presentable.

You were going to meet with Kyo at his house this time and you pretty sure you would run into his family. You wanted to make a good impression on them or whoever he lived with. Of course at the same time the outfit had to comfortable and stretchy enough to spar in.

You had to admit though, what you had on now was not what you had in mind. You had decided on wearing a beige sports bra and the matching stretch pants that had white stripes going down both legs that rested on your hips. Your stomach muscles were very much visible so you threw on the matching short sleeve jacket to cover up. You zipped the jacket up so that it covered most of your intentionally exposed body. You put on some comfortable white socks and tennie shoes and pulled your hear back in a plain ponytail.

Of course the outfit was more comfortable than presentable but hey you're going to be fighting each other for god’s sake. If you worse something presentable you probably wouldn’t be able to move around it and that would end up with you getting your ass kicked…again.

No accessories, or earrings either they’d just in way, fling off somewhere, or get broken. Everything was perfectly fine the way you had it now.

You nodded at yourself in the mirror before turning around in search of a bag. It has Kyo’s Valentine’s time’s day chocolates in it and his card. You also had bought a small kitty keychain because apparently Kyo liked cats. You had caught him on the roof one day and a there were cats all over him. You just happened to have a camera that day and thought it was cute. So you snapped a photo even though he protested furiously. Now that you think about it, you should hang a copy of that one in your locker on Monday.

You pulled open a drawer to one of your dressers after checking the closet for Kyo’s gift. You searched through several drawers before giving up, it wasn’t there. Where did you put it? Hmmm, maybe Seth would know.

Seth was awake because you could smell the breakfast he was cooking. You weren’t sure what he what he was cooking but it smelled really good. So you casually walked down the stairs holding on to the railing the smell of food guiding you to the kitchen.

“I see someone’s up early. I usually have to drag you out the bed in the morning.” Seth said as soon as you entered into the kitchen. He was at the stove frying something on a pan. You weren’t sure what is was but it smelled finger-licking good.

Seth was dressed in his usual dark clothing that consisted of dark baggy pants, a dark green T-shirt and some dark shoes. He looked surprising neat and together as if …he wasn’t going to be lying on his ass all day like he does every Saturday. Today was Valentine’s Day…so maybe he had a date?

“Guess what?” He voice had more cheerfulness in it than usual.

“You have a date.”

He pouted. “How’d you know?”

“You’re wearing clothes. You’re usually cooking in the assorted dark colored boxers I bought for your birthday some time ago. That and your not dancing to that wretched noise you call singing. So who’s the girl?”

“Oh she’s nothing to talk about. All I want to know about is you and Kyo.” He flashed you his trademark sly smile.

“For the thousandth time there is nothing going on between us. We’re just friends.”

“Alas…my baby sis is such vixen. She has three men wrapped around her fingers. You can’t keep leading Ha’ri, Kyo and Akito on like this (name).”

“I’m not leading anyone on. You’re always speaking nonsense…why don’t you just cook my food…so I can go?”

Seth chuckled and placed your breakfast in front you. “Here you go (name).”

There was a sudden knock on the door that made both your heads turn. Apparently Seth had gotten it fixed over night.

Outside the door…

He had been standing at your porch for a while now. He hadn’t thought to knock until just now. He just hoped it was you who answered the door and not your brother. If it was your brother who answered in would probably been in some deep shit.

He smirked down at the gifts he held tentatively in hands. You were sure to love them...the red roses, the bear, the card, and the chocolate he got you. The roses he would have gotten in your favorite color but he decided you would probably enjoy red more on Valentine’s Day. The card he created himself each word and letter was etched in love as he wrote it. It was nothing like the love notes he send you everyday…the card would fully love for you.

The bear was holding a huge red heart that had white ‘I’m sorry’ written on it. He felt slightly guilty because this had been a last minute gift but it was necessary. He had come on too fast yesterday and…it scared you. This would show he was willing to wait until you were ready. He got a bit carried away with the chocolates and mouse plushy he had in a red glittered bag but he couldn’t help himself.

The thought of the reward he would get for such presents was mind boggling. He was sure to get some kisses...or maybe participate in some tongue-wrestling if he was lucky. And if you were feeling….generous things would get steamy and he would finally have a shot at your virginity. Though he seriously doubted you get that excited after seeing the mouse plushy he bought.

When he found out that you were scared of the tiny animal it hurt him more than he realized. In the end he decided that it didn’t matter and he would help you get over it. The mouse plushy was almost the exact replica of him in Zodiac form…so if you could tolerate this…you could able to tolerate the real thing. It seemed like a stupid idea but he had to at least give it a try.

He couldn’t stop thinking about you all night and how you would be spending the whole day with him. He had let the sparring thing with Kyo every Saturday slide but today was a special day. He would have you all to himself with no interruptions. He could finally have another taste of those sweet lips and touch you again. He had such an eccentric erotic dream about you last night…it would probably be hard to control himself as soon as you get near him.

Control however was everything and if couldn’t control himself he would lose you. Although it sounded preposterous…you would never leave him and vice versa.

He reached up and knocked on your door again. He couldn’t wait to see the look on your face. You would be so surprised…

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora